10 Daily Choices of the Joy-filled Mom – Part 1

Christian mama, you have heard God’s high and holy calling. You embrace Titus 2:4-5. Shepherding the hearts of your children to know, love, and honor God is your own heart’s longing. You live on mission.Yet…Sometimes the mission can feel overwhelming, and the calling muffled. Especially when:So, what is a mama to do when sight of…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

May 20, 2021
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Christian mama, you have heard God’s high and holy calling. You embrace Titus 2:4-5. Shepherding the hearts of your children to know, love, and honor God is your own heart’s longing. You live on mission.


Sometimes the mission can feel overwhelming, and the calling muffled.

Especially when:

  • One child after the other falls ill.
  • The dishes and laundry are stacked higher than you are tall.
  • Three children are scheduled to be at three different locations at the same exact time.
  • You have not slept in nights or talked to another adult in days.

So, what is a mama to do when sight of her call seems all but lost, no outside encouragement is to be found, and her JOY has waned?

The first thing she can do is realize that this is reality. There are going to be days (or weeks or months or even seasons) when she will have to stand up and fight for JOY. She must choose JOY. And she must keep choosing it every day.

10 Daily Choices of the Joy-filled Mom

1. Keep God #1

Joyful moms establish priorities, keeping their eyes on God.

True JOY—JOY that can’t be shaken when the days are gloomy and gray, the laundry piles up, or all of the children are sick at once—is only found in God.

  • Spend time in God’s Word.
  • Pray.
  • Meditate on Scripture.
  • Ask God to do a “JOY” work in your heart.

#2. Do ALL Things unto Christ

Moms filled with JOY don’t get caught up in what other people think – about the toys on the floor or any of the other “mom-stuff.” They work for an Audience of One and realize the honor of serving Him by serving their family (Colossians 3:23).

  • With intentionality, perform one “mommy” chore today as if unto Christ.
  • Pray for each member of your family as you fold their laundry.
  • Memorize Colossians 3:23 and recite it when your thoughts need to be redirected.

#3. Live with Eternity in View

Joyful moms are intentional with their time. They prayerfully examine their motives and evaluate their activity (1 Corinthians 10:31).

“Why am I spending time on this?”

“Am I doing this for selfish reasons?”

“Are my reasons for engaging in this Christ-honoring?”

“Is this a frivolous use of time or does it bring glory to God?”


Learn to ask yourself questions about the activities in your life:

  • Does it draw me closer to Christ?
  • Is it helping me build meaningful relationships?
  • Does it share the love of Christ with others?

#4. Practice Gratitude

Joyful mothers make a conscious effort to find things for which they are thankful. They train their minds to look for blessings, and they choose to focus their attention on these things.

  • Be on the lookout for gifts from God. Thank Him out loud each time one comes to mind.
  • Keep a Gratitude journal.
  • Share the things you are thankful for on social media.
  • Frame a pretty sheet of paper. Using a dry erase marker, write your “thanks” on it each morning.

#5. Choose to be Joyful

Joyful moms choose JOY.

We can’t always control the things that happen to us, but we can control how we react. We can control whether we choose JOY or bitterness, thanksgiving or anger, happiness or discontentment.

  • Create a “JOY” playlist.
  • Choose a song from your playlist and turn it up loud.
  • Take “Grace” breaks.
  • Memorize “JOY” verses and recite them throughout the day.
  • Decorate your home with “JOY.” (Hang Scriptures, quotes, and words of “JOY” throughout your home.)

Next week, we’ll look at five more ideas for choosing JOY daily!

I Choose JOY 30-Day Challenge for Moms

CHOOSE JOY – one day at a time! 30 practical ideas.


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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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