10 Daily Choices of the Joy-filled Mom – Part 2

JOY IS A CHOICE, and one that we need to make every, single day.In last week’s post, we looked at five daily choices for fighting for joy:#1 – Keep God #1#2 – Do ALL Things unto Christ#3 – Live with Eternity in View#4 – Practice Gratitude#5 – Choose to Be JoyfulThis week, we will look…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

May 27, 2021
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JOY IS A CHOICE, and one that we need to make every, single day.

In last week’s post, we looked at five daily choices for fighting for joy:

#1 – Keep God #1

#2 – Do ALL Things unto Christ

#3 – Live with Eternity in View

#4 – Practice Gratitude

#5 – Choose to Be Joyful

This week, we will look at five more.

10 Daily Choices of the Joy-filled Mom

#6. Refuse to Compare

Comparison is a thief of JOY!

Joyful moms don’t compare their lives to the lives of other moms. They realize there is no need for they are already seated at the table with Christ.

  • Limit your use of social media.
  • When you find your thoughts are in “comparison mode,” take a hard STOP. Turn your focus toward your own blessings.
  • Remind yourself that there is no need for comparison because you are already seated with Christ (Ephesians 2:6).

#7. Take Care of Your Marriage

As much as we’d like to believe the quality of our marriage doesn’t affect our mothering, for most of us at least, that’s just not the case.

When my husband and I are at odds with one another, my attitude reflects the conflict—even if my husband isn’t home. When my marriage is not strong, my JOY suffers.

  • Schedule a date night, regularly.
  • What speaks love to your husband? Think of one thing and do it.

#8. Take Care of Yourself

Joyful moms take care of their bodies by staying active, eating relatively healthy meals, resting, getting away occasionally to be refreshed, and investing in things that bring them JOY. (Of course, there are times when we should make sacrifices for our family, but that doesn’t mean we should always sacrifice, never taking care of ourselves.)

  • Forgive yourself when you mess up.
  • Set aside 15 minutes to do something you enjoy.
  • Go for coffee with a friend.
  • Take a nap.

#9. Say “No” So You Can Say “Yes”

Joyful moms keep their priorities straight. They learn (sometimes with very great effort) to say “no” to the good, so they can say “yes” to the best.

  • Put down your phone. Be present with your child.
  • Pray about it before you answer. (Will it bring glory to God? Does it advance His Kingdom? Is God inviting you into this work?)
  • Employ the mantra, “If it’s not a definite “Yes,” it’s a “No.”

#10. Ask for Help

This one is tough. Joyful moms make themselves vulnerable by asking for help.

They ask other moms in their same season to help with a sick child or make an emergency grocery run.

Joyful moms ask older women to invest some time in them by mentoring them in prayer one hour a week or teaching them to cook.

Asking is risky. What will they think? They might even say “no.” But if we never risk asking, we’ll never reap the benefits or experience the JOY of walking this journey with others.

  • Approach a friend about being your “go-to” if the school calls you with a sick child.
  • Get real with those in your intimate circle. Let them know when you need help.
  • Take a deep breath (and understand she is as frightened as you are), then go ask that mature Christian woman you admire at church if she will mentor you in prayer (or any other topic on your heart) one hour a week for the next three months.

How about you? How do you fight for JOY?

I Choose JOY 30-Day Challenge for Moms

Perhaps it’s time to fight for JOY! Begin your fight today with this FREE downloadable daily challenge. Begin a JOY habit by making daily JOY choices for the next 30 days.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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