10 Gifts Grandparents Can Give Their Grandkids That No One Else Can – Part 2

The gift-giving struggle is real, but is all the wrestling worth it? This week we continue our exploration of gifts that come from the heart and demonstrate love.

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

December 19, 2024
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This article first appeared on Crosswalk.com on 2/11/19.

Last week we began exploring gifts grandparents can give their grandkids that no one else can. In that post we discussed the gifts of intentionality, an “I get to” attitude,” unconditional love, intentional talk, and a nourished soul.

This week we will continue with a look at the second five gifts.

Gift #6 – The Gift of Prayer

Yes, other people can give the gift of prayer to your grandkids, but no one can give it in quite the same way!

The regular, consistent, specific prayers of a grandparent are one of the greatest investments that can ever be made – and with very little to no money involved. Consider, a grandparent’s prayers help God accomplish His purpose in and through the lives of grandchildren, can stop Satan’s schemes and powers toward grandchildren, and helps equip grandkids to stand fast in the faith.

Additionally, one of the wonderful things about this gift is that it also blesses the giver abundantly.

When grandparents pray for their grandchildren, relationships are strengthened, generational and distance gaps are diminished, uncontrollable burdens are released to God, and we are drawn closer to God. A grandparent’s gift of prayer has eternal impact.

Gift #7 – The Gift of a Strong Marriage

A strong marriage is a treasure for your grandchildren. Prioritize it. Teach your grandkids what to look for in a spouse, how to love their spouse well, and how to fight for their marriage.

Let them see your playful moments and share openly with them about the difficult times. Don’t just preach it; live it, day in and day out. Model the marriage you pray they will one day have. Prioritize it and protect it.

The Bible teaches and research shows that divorce has a spiritual impact on children and increases the odds that they will walk away from Christ. A grandparent’s strong marriage is a gift of major impact.

Gift #8 – The Gift of a Gospel-Shaped Life

Our grandkids are growing up in a culture of chaos and confusion. That fact scares us, sometimes to the point of anxiety, fear, and even hopelessness.

Instead of sitting by wringing our hands, we can offer them the gift of a Gospel-shaped life. For their sake, we can proclaim God as Creator, share the truth of the Bible with deliberation, and model the giving of honor and thanks to God.

Through the decisions we make, the way we spend our time, and the things we occupy ourselves with, we can be vessels that carry the Gospel to our grandchildren.

Gift #9 – The Gift of a Biblical Worldview

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. — Colossians 2:6-8

Gift #9 goes hand-in-hand with the gift of a Gospel-shaped life. There is no denying that our grandkids are growing up in a post-Christian culture. Help them navigate the maze of opposition and competing belief systems by giving them the gift of a Biblical worldview.

Root your grandchildren in the Bible. Read the Bible and engage in discussions about it with your grandchildren. Teach them the big picture of the Bible, the essentials of the Christian faith, and how to obey God’s commands.

Help them apply God’s truth to their lives and train them to defend their faith. It is a precious gift to see the world through the lens of the Bible.

Gift #10 – The Gift of Legacy

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous, — Proverbs 13:22

Every grandparent WILL leave a gift of legacy to their grandkids.  The question is, “What will that legacy be?” Will it be a legacy of materialism, un-involvement, or self-absorption? Or, will it be one of investment, involvement, and connection?

The gifts we choose, and our reason for giving them, will help make the determination. To leave a legacy of deep love and care and support and encouragement, gifts for our grandchildren need to express our feelings and communicate great value.

It is imperative that our gifts come from the heart.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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