10 Tests of True Love

  Even now, in my empty-nester years, I remember this TEST of True Love — a list of questions received when I was a teen. The TEST returns to my mind again and again.  Not once have I remembered any of the ten questions from the test.  But I remember the TEST and the idea behind it.…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

March 1, 2018
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10 Tests of True Love|10 Test Questions for Assessing Your Relationship with God


Even now, in my empty-nester years, I remember this TEST of True Love — a list of questions received when I was a teen.
The TEST returns to my mind again and again.  Not once have I remembered any of the ten questions from the test.  But I remember the TEST and the idea behind it.
I’m not even sure where the TEST came from or who gave it to me. Perhaps some well-meaning youth worker at my church passed it along to a group of us they were invested in, or maybe it was an adult mentor who felt compelled to pass along some wisdom.
It really doesn’t matter where it came from. It stuck.
And can you believe, after all these years, I found it! In my efforts to purge the unnecessary, I began clearing old, unused books from our bookshelves, and out it fell – the very same list I typed out as a teen and carried with me for the longest time!

10 Test Questions for Assessing Your Relationship with God




1. Do you think of him constantly?
2. Do you long to be with him?
3. Do you have faith in him?
4. Do you want to do the things that please him?
5. Are you concerned about your appearance and conduct?
6. Do you feel free to talk everything over?
7. Do you want to please his people?
8. Do you want to bring him gifts?
9. Do your present plans center in him?
10. Is your future filled with him?


The TEST was given to us as a tool for assessing our dating relationships. However, it wasn’t left there. Recipients of the TEST were also challenged to apply these same TRUE LOVE questions to their relationship with God.  That’s the part that really stuck and continues to resurface year after year.  “What is the state of your relationship with God?  Is it TRUE LOVE?”
Go ahead. Reread the TEST questions as they apply to your current relationship with God. Is it a case of TRUE LOVE?
No matter the outcome of your TEST, maybe what your relationship can use right now is an old-fashioned LOVE LETTER!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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