Seems like we’ve just finished our Christmas shopping, attended all the celebratory gatherings, and packed away the decorations. And now, we’re just days away from Valentine’s Day!
Traditionally, this holiday has been all about sweethearts and couples. But might I suggest that it’s also a wonderful holiday for grandparents and grandchildren to enjoy?
Why Observe Valentine’s Day with our Grandchildren?
We know that our biblical role calls us to pass a heritage of faith to our grandchildren. But here’s the thing! There’s absolutely no way we can do this unless we’ve built a strong and deep connection with our grandchildren. And Valentine’s Day provides us with one more opportunity to connect and build!
Here’s another thing. Most of our grandchildren really don’t have much of an expectation when it comes to their grandparents and Valentine’s Day. In their personal worlds, Valentine’s Day has simply been a time for exchanging little cards with their friends and maybe hanging with a babysitter while mom and dad go out to dinner. With little to nothing in the way of expectations, whatever we choose to do to bless them and show our love for them is likely to be greatly appreciated.
Think of it as an opportunity to have some fun and be unique and creative as you work to build and deepen your relationship with your grandchildren.
10 Ways for Celebrating Valentine’s Day
1. Buy a box of Valentine cards and give them (or mail them) to your grandchild.
He or she will experience the fun of receiving a gift/mail and the joy of addressing and delivering the cards to their friends.
2. Celebrate the day with the gift of candy, flowers, cookies, or balloons.
Drop the gift off yourself, have it delivered, or place it in the mail.
3. Write out a Valentine card for each of your grandchildren.
Then put in the card or cards in the mail – whether your grandchildren lives miles away or around the corner. (HINT: We’re grandparents. It’s our very nature to want each of our grandchildren to feel special, so we are often inclined to address each card separately. However, these efforts have at times created more harm than goodwill when one child’s piece of mail shows up days later than the others. To circumvent this possibility, address each card individually and then place all the cards for members of the same family in one large envelope. The result will be pieces of individually addressed mail all arriving at the same time.)
4. Send a “no candy” Valentine box.
Instead of filling your gift box with candy, fill it with a coloring book and crayons, reading books, small games, hair barrettes, baseball cards, craft supplies, or other non-edible treats.
5. Give your grandchild a gift that comes from your heart, not the store.
More than likely this option will require a little forethought and advanced planning, but the possibilities are endless. Think of your skills, talents, and passions. Then craft a special, meaningful, and appealing gift that they will cherish.
6. Provide a gift that teaches and blesses.
(This one comes from my dear friend, Lillian Penner!) Give or mail your grandchildren a Valentine that has two five-dollar bills (or whatever amount you choose) inside. One of the bills is your love gift for your grandchild. The other is for your grandchild to show love forward. This gift encourages your grandchild to look for the needs around them and creates opportunity for discussions about showing love to others. Ask your grandchild to report to you how they chose to show their love forward.
7. Give the gift of time.
Honestly, we all know that most of the gifts we buy at our local store or send via Amazon will be worn out or discarded in very short order. But memories last a lifetime. If it is within your means, consider gifting an experience the two of you can enjoy together. Think about your grandchild’s interests or what you would like to introduce them to. Maybe it’s the ballet, a Broadway musical, attendance at a professional sporting event, or an afternoon spent at an arcade. And if you’re thinking that you simply have too many children for this to be a feasible option, consider treating an entire family of grandchildren with a visit to the local pizza parlor or ice cream shop.
8. Make it special.
Please don’t get the wrong impression. Store-bought gifts are not all bad. Sometimes that store-bought gift is just want your grandchild really wants. And purchasing from Amazon is extremely convenient when buying for long-distance grandchildren. (Take it from one who knows this personally!!!) This thing is that whatever route we are taking with our gift-giving, we want the gifts to be personal and special. We are, after all, giving them as an expression of our love. So, things that show some thought and make your grandchildren feel special.
9. Pass down a family heirloom.
Do you have any items that have been in your family for generations? Perhaps a piece of jewelry, an antique pocket watch, coin or stamp collection, the quilt your great-great grandma made, or something else. Maybe, instead, it’s a personal treasure you hold especially dear. Valentine’s Day may just be the time to gift it to your grandchild along with the story of its history.
10. Pray in Color for your grandchild.
If you are not familiar with this process, you can check it out HERE. To go along with the Valentine’s theme, concentrate your prayer on biblical love. When you’ve finished your prayer, mail it to your grandchild as a special Valentine.
What unique and creative things will you do this year to demonstrate your love to your grandchildren?