14 Helpful Apps for Engaging the Scripture

In last week’s post, we were reminded that Engaging the Scripture is a relational process that requires work on our part. Work that can, at times, be made easier and more effective with the use of the right tools.If you missed 12 Powerful Tools for Engaging the Scripture you can read it HERE.Admittedly, the tools…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

June 13, 2019
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In last week’s post, we were reminded that Engaging the Scripture is a relational process that requires work on our part. Work that can, at times, be made easier and more effective with the use of the right tools.

If you missed 12 Powerful Tools for Engaging the Scripture you can read it HERE.

Admittedly, the tools shared last week were a varied collection. This week, due to our culture’s heavy use of technology, I think it’s important to add a subset to our list of tools by turning our attention to APPS.

Apps for Engaging the Scripture

Most of the apps listed are FREE to download and use. If a cost is involved, I tried to note it.


Bible Gateway – a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages. Along with the mobile app, Bible Gateway contains a library of audio Bibles and other free resources.

Read Scripture – a thematic reading plan that constantly highlights the bigger picture so you can always see it in your reading. Read Scripture allows you to spend quality time in daily Bible reading while learning how to read it with contextual videos from The Bible Project.

She Reads Truth – curated daily reading plans that help you engage Scripture. An online conversation led by a vibrant community of contributing writers is also available.

He Reads Truth – a companion site to She Reads Truth.

First 5 (Proverbs 31 Ministries) – a free app that helps bring life and Truth to the first five minutes of every day. First 5 includes a chapter of the Bible for reading along with a short teaching.

Other Bible Reading Apps Worth Mentioning:

  • Bible.Is
  • Daily Audio Bible
  • ESV Bible by Crossway
  • YouVersion


The Bible Memory App – Memorize Bible verses fast by actively engaging 3 separate cognitive areas: kinesthetic (touch), visual, and auditory memory. The Bible Memory App allows you to access across all mobile devices and online, at BibleMemory.com.

BibleMinded App (American Bible Society) – Memorize your own selected verses or choose from a memory plan. Track your progress, memorize using one of four different methods, and test yourself. Available at iTunes and amazon. (Page showed availability on Google Play. However, I continued to receive a message stating, “Item not found” when searching on my Android.)

Fighter Verses (A Ministry of Truth78) – The Fighter Verses focus on 1) the character and worth of our great God, 2) battling against our fleshly desires, and 3) the hope of the Gospel. This five-year memory program is broken down into five sets with one verse or passage per week. Free access online at http://theversesproject.com/. Fighter Verses App for iPhone and Android ($2.99).

Verses – Bible Memory – Memorize quickly and easily with simple memory games, then stay motivated by tracking your progress over time using Verses memory health tracking.

The Verses Projecthttp://theversesproject.com/


Pray the Word – a free smart phone app packed with powerful prayers that are straight from the Bible.

Echo Prayer– a free app that helps you keep track of your prayers, reminds you to pray throughout the day, and lets you share prayer requests with others.

Tony Evans Prayer App (Scriptures to Pray) – gives you quick access to Scripture based on subject or need, guided prayers by Tony Evans, inspirational thoughts, and even reminders to nudge you to pray more often.

Bible Praying – a new app that turns the words of the Bible into prayers you can say for your family, friends or anyone else! ($1.99)

Engaging the Scripture: Encountering God in the Pages of His Word is a practical guide to interacting with the Bible. Full of ideas, inspiration, and tools for working in the vineyard of Scripture.

Click HERE to learn more.


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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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