It is the foundation of the Gospel message.
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,
2 Timothy 1:8-9 (Emphasis added.)
Recorded accounts of it in Scripture stir our hearts.
We yearn for it to be showered upon us.

Yet, as busy mamas trying to navigate all the daily “stuff” of life, we can find it so difficult to extend the gift of Grace to our own children. (Can anyone relate?)
Check out these simple ideas for offering that longed-for gift to the ones you call, “Child.”
20 Practical Ways to Extend Grace to My Children
- Smile.
- Stop what I am doing and LISTEN.
- Look them in the eyes.
- Speak kind, gentle words in love.
- Hug them.
- Compliment, Encourage, Build Up, and Affirm them with my words.
- Say, “I’m sorry.”
- Spend time with them.
- Offer to help.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- See the world as they do. (Get down, eye level, with my child and look at things from their perspective.)
- Pray – before meals, at bedtime, throughout the day, aloud, FOR them, WITH them, and pray blessings OVER them.
- Fill my home with praise and worship music.
- Simplify my family’s schedule.
- Refuse to compare – myself with other moms, my children with each other.
- Be content with “less than perfect” because perfection is impossible anyway!
- Share my God-stories with my children
- Be truthful and vulnerable. Let my children in on my struggles as well as my victories.
- Rest – my body and my soul.
- In EVERYTHING, point them to Christ.

A Mother’s Day gift for you (and to share).
Download the FREE resource booklet – Just for Moms
I love this! Even though my children are grown with children of their own, I can use many of these tips with my adult children and grandchildren. Starting with #1!
This is a great list! I need to remember these when I work with children. Thanks!!
Theresa Boedeker
What a great list. Thanks. I love #12. Praying aloud right then and there for them really teaches them to pray. I used to say I would pray for them, and maybe I did or maybe I forgot. But they never knew if I did or not. Doing it with them aloud makes them feel like you really care.