Well-watered Grandchildren: 3 Ways to Provide Them with Deep Roots

To stand through the storms of life, our grandchildren need deep roots. And isn’t it just like our God to show us HOW to help provide those roots?

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

October 29, 2020
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Thanksgiving is approaching, and we are making plans –

Well, at least the best we are able to plan anything during this unpredictable season of COVID!

And while we, looking forward, anticipate what might be, we also look back!

Looking Back

Our daughter’s family moved to Long Island one week prior to Thanksgiving. A year later, on the first anniversary of their move, we gathered for the holiday and found ourselves surveying the damage of Hurricane Sandy — buildings destroyed, debris everywhere, mammoth trees uprooted.

The peculiar thing? The gargantuan trees sprawled across lawn and roadway and house were all trunk and limbs with almost no root system at all. They lay there destroyed, because nothing was holding these colossal beasts in the ground when the harsh, beating winds blew.

Taking that scene in over and over during those days in New York, my mind went to my grandchildren.


My grandchildren are the tree and only by watering will they develop the deep roots to help them stand through the storms. And it is my job as their grandparent to help provide the deep roots.

3 Ways to Provide Deep Roots

1. Embrace my role –

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

Matthew 28:18-20

My role is God-designed and assigned. Given to me to be carried out in this season of my life, I must not try to exchange it or ignore it.  God’s Word tells me that I am to be on mission, making disciples of Jesus Christ. My priority from the Bible’s perspective is to raise children and grandchildren who love God and have a desire to serve Him and please Him. In other words, I am to be a disciple-maker, actively passing a heritage of faith to my children and grandchildren.

2. Engage in discipleship practices –

Since God has assigned me such a weighty role, I am so glad He does not leave me to wonder about the HOW of carrying it out. Just as He always does, when He calls, He provides. I simply need to go to His Word to find everything I need to know about being a godly grandparent.

When I search the Bible, some of the methods I find for carrying out my role are:

  • Gathering & Influencing – Planning intentional meals and family gatherings when I can share Jesus.
  • Giving a Blessing – Imparting good through my words and actions.
  • Modeling the Fruit of the Spirit and the Character of God
  • Telling Stories – Stories of God, both historical and personal. My stories should include Bible accounts of God’s work and love; the Good News of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension; my salvation story, stories of our family heritage, and my personal faith journey. Pointing to who God is and telling of His wondrous works at every opportunity.
  • Instituting and Observing Traditions – The practice of handing down stories, beliefs, and customs from one generation to another in order to establish and reinforce a strong sense of identity, traditions are a vehicle by which I help my grandchildren develop a sense of connection and belonging.
  • Teaching – By my words and actions, offering instruction and guidance to help in the shaping of my grandchildren.  
  • Praying – Both for my grandchildren and with my grandchildren for my prayers have eternity-impacting power.
  • Asking Questions – A powerful tool for connecting with my grandchildren and opening the way for spiritual dialogue.
  • Caring for My Soul’s Health – Spiritually parched, I am no good to anyone. My own relationship with the Lord suffers greatly. Empty, I am not able to “water” my grandchildren.

If I am to carry out my responsibility of passing on a heritage of faith in Christ to my grandchildren, I must be about the business of engaging in these and other discipleship practices as found in The Bible.

3. Live with intention –

I need to do more than simply have good intentions about my role and the methods for carrying it out. I must ACT on them – thoughtfully and deliberately, even to the point of being inconvenienced.

Practically speaking,

  • I can make a formal commitment by putting my intentions down on paper.
  • To add some accountability and increase the odds of my follow-through, I can share my commitment with someone – my believing spouse, another grandparent, or even my grandchild.
  • Above all, I need to schedule my interactions (opportunities for practicing discipleship) with my grandchildren. This idea may sound a little odd, but I have found that unless my idea is written on my calendar or an alarm interrupts my day, my good intentions seem to stay just that – good intentions!

What do you think? With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, how might you help to deepen the roots of your grandchildren?

Biblical Portrait of Grandparenthood

This book is a helpful tool for grandparents. Highlighting specific Scriptures that reveal God’s unique design for the role of a grandparent and posing a series of penetrating questions designed for self-reflection, Biblical Portrait of Grandparenthood helps you discover how well you are fulfilling God’s plan. Also included are practical ways you can influence and impact the lives of your grandchildren through your attitudes, words, and actions.


  • Theresa Boedeker

    Yes. Yes. We must be intentional in our roles as grandparents. Even down to scheduling time with our grandchildren. I try to facetime with my granddaughter every week or two. Sometimes that means she puts me down on the bed and reminds me not to move! LOL But we can have an influence. My daughter will sometimes say, “Mom, can you tell Little Bug this or that.” Because she knows her daughter listens to me.

  • Joanne Viola

    Becoming a “Mimi” truly was life-changing for me. This is a wonderful and wise post which I greatly appreciated!

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  • Lisa notes...

    I first became a grandmother in 2018 and it has been transformational. I knew it would be good (everyone said so), but now I KNOW it is good. :) I want to remain intentional about my role as a spiritual influencer in my grandchildren’s lives, and posts like this really help me stay on track. Thanks so much for these wonderful pieces of advice. I will feature your post tomorrow at the Grace & Truth linkup at my blog (along with a few pictures of my own grandchildren). :)

  • Marielle

    This is such a great analogy of the roots. I’m not a grandmother yet, but these apply to me too in my daily mothering. Intention is a big one for me. Thank you for sharing this. I’m visiting today from the Grace and Truth link up. Have a great weekend Deborah!

  • I love these tips. I want to be faithful to tell my grandchildren about God and what He has done in His Word and in my life.

  • Living more intentionally is speaking to my heart right now – thank you for this encouragement.

  • Don’t you love it when they carry you around the house while you are on facetime? Next thing to being seasick but so worth it!!!!

  • Oooh, looking forward to seeing pics of your grands!!!! Thank you for sharing, Lisa!

  • Sharon, It seems the older I get the louder that word speaks to my heart!!! Thank you for stopping by today.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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