30 Day Challenge for Nourishing Your Soul

You have a living soul.  And that soul hungers and thirsts.  It requires rest and refreshment.  It waits, it longs, and it yearns.Your soul lasts forever and forms the very foundation of who you are.  It is a remarkable creation of God.  Yet it requires care.When is the last time you thought about the care…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

February 18, 2016
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You have a living soul.  And that soul hungers and thirsts.  It requires rest and refreshment.  It waits, it longs, and it yearns.

Your soul lasts forever and forms the very foundation of who you are.  It is a remarkable creation of God.  Yet it requires care.

When is the last time you thought about the care of your soul?

Do you eagerly anticipate spending time with God?  Do you thoughtfully plan for your time with Him?  Are you purposefully engaging with Him through prayer, Scripture, and other spiritual practices?  Is your relationship with Him growing deeper and more meaningful?

Or is your quiet time frequently squeezed out by busyness and over-commitment?  Have you fallen into a rut simply going through the motions; doing but not truly engaging?  Do you feel distanced from your Heavenly Father?

As you reflect upon your responses to these self-probing questions, I would love to issue an invitation to you to join our community of #SoulNourishers!  No matter where you currently find yourself in the care of your soul, time spent in intentional care can help to improve your soul’s health.

To join our community and take part in the FREE 30 Day Challenge, click HERE.  Shortly after joining the community, you will receive two PDF documents.  The first, “Nourish Your Soul:  30 Day Challenge,” is a list of daily Scriptures and thoughts.  Spend some time each day with a Scripture from the list:  read it, write it out, breathe it as a breath prayer, memorize it.

The second PDF, “Nourish Your Soul:  30 Day Challenge – Engagement Suggestions,” is a list of ideas for engaging with the daily Scriptures at a deeper level:  pray the verse in color, meditate on it through Lectio Divina, map it, journal it.

The choice is yours.  The decision is yours.  Assess the current health of your soul.  What are your needs?  Assess your calendar and current obligations.  What are you realistically able to do?  Right now at this moment in time, perhaps your best fit is simply to take the list of Scriptures and spend five to ten minutes a day with one Scripture.  Maybe you have need or time for more.  Then spend some thoughtful, engaging time with the Lord delving deeper into the Scripture through one of the ideas from the Engagements Suggestions sheet.  Who knows, perhaps you’ll find a new favorite way to engage with Scriptures by trying some of these ideas!

And for those who want to dive deeper still, consider joining our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP.  Beginning March 1, 2016, one Scripture will be posted on the group page each day for thirty days.  Here members of the community will be able to receive support and encouragement as they work through the challenge.  Do you thrive in connection with others – where your own ideas and thoughts are sparked by what you hear from others?  Come join us as we each work through the challenge – processing what we hear God speaking  to us, sharing our thoughts, asking questions, making connections, and occasionally posting our Verse Maps, Praying in Color, or Journal entries.

Come grow in community.  Engage with Scripture.  Nourish your soul.

Join our Community

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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