30 Things to Do with Your Grandchildren in the Fall

October 1st.  There can be no more denying it.  Fall has arrived. Tomorrow my granddaughter and I will be pulling the Autumn season decorations from the basement and making it official throughout the house (#27).  In celebration, I thought I would share our Fall list of activities once again! It is all about the leaves:…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

October 1, 2015
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October 1st.  There can be no more denying it.  Fall has arrived.

Tomorrow my granddaughter and I will be pulling the Autumn season decorations from the basement and making it official throughout the house (#27).  In celebration, I thought I would share our Fall list of activities once again!

  1. It is all about the leaves: Collect them.  Rake them.  Play in them.Raking
  2. Visit a pumpkin patch.
  3. Carve a pumpkin.
  4. Put together a leaf collection.
  5. Go on a hike.
  6. Make s’mores.
  7. Pick apples.
  8. Play football.
  9. Make a scarecrow.
  10. Take a flashlight walk through your neighborhood.
  11. Bake a pumpkin pie.
  12. Take a walk through a favorite park.
  13. Make leaf rubbings.
  14. Collect pine cones.
  15. Collect food for a local food bank.
  16. Spend a Saturday at a festival.
  17. Attend a high school football game.
  18. Plant mums.
  19. Go for a hayride.
  20. Drink hot chocolate.
  21. Visit a corn maze.
  22. Picnic on a blanket with your favorite fall foods: corn dogs, caramel apples, pumpkin cookies, cider.
  23. Make an autumn wreath.
  24. Send Thanksgiving cards.
  25. Clean out the garden and flower beds.
  26. Plant bulbs.
  27. Decorate your mantel or front door for fall.
  28. Make Halloween costumes.
  29. Tell stories around a fire.
  30. Fly a kite. Yes, in the fall!

Make it a Fall to remember!  –Grab a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate), peruse the list, and choose two or three of the activities.  Then, go ahead, begin to make your plan for enjoying some intentional, face-to-face time with your GRANDS!

And as always…if you have an Autumn activity you and your grands particularly enjoy, please share with us in the comments.

soli deo gloria,

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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