5 MORE Tips for Praying for Your Grandchildren

Prayer is Power! We need look no further than Ephesians 6:10-20 for confirmation. For it is in these verses that we see the power of prayer to thwart Satan’s schemes toward our grandchildren.Additionally, prayer is the channel through which God is moved to shape the lives of others. When we pray for our grandchildren, eternity…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

September 19, 2019
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Prayer is Power!

We need look no further than Ephesians 6:10-20 for confirmation. For it is in these verses that we see the power of prayer to thwart Satan’s schemes toward our grandchildren.

Additionally, prayer is the channel through which God is moved to shape the lives of others. When we pray for our grandchildren, eternity impacting power is unleashed upon their lives.

In last week’s post, we shared 5 Tips for Praying for Your Grandchildren. (If you didn’t catch them, you can read them HERE. This week, I would like to offer 5 more.

5 MORE Tips for Praying for Your Grandchildren


Let your grandchild know you are praying for them. You know that feeling you get when someone shares with you that they are devoting some of their precious time to pray for you? Bless your grandchildren with that same feeling. Tell them. Text them. Send them a card in the mail.

Be an example

Absolutely, prayer before meals is important. However, we need to be models of a life of prayer. Let your grandchildren “see” you pray – in church, at prayer meetings, first thing in the morning, on your knees.

Pray face-to-face

While you are being intentional about praying FOR your grandchildren, don’t forget the value of praying WITH your grandchildren. Make it a point from time to time, or regularly if possible, to spend some face-to-face time in prayer with your grands. And if face-to-face time isn’t possible because you are a long-distance grandparent, then get creative. Employ some form of technology — FaceTime, Skype, video chats — to pray “together.”

Invite your grandchildren to pray for you

Share your prayer requests with your grandchildren. Whether they choose to pray for you or not, your act implies several important lessons:

  • Even adults need prayer.
  • Grandma and Grandpa are still growing in their spiritual life and do not have all the answers.
  • The prayers of children (young people) are important.
  • We all need each other.

Sharing prayer requests with your grandchildren not only provides teaching and modeling opportunities, it speaks blessing to the child as they feel entrusted with the privilege of praying for an adult.

Create community

We are God-designed for community yet we insist on doing so much alone. Consider enlisting another grandparent or two or three and pray together. Perhaps you know some other grandparents in your neighborhood, at your church, place of employment, or the rec center down the block. Could you meet for coffee once every couple of weeks, for lunch break once a week, or in your home?

  • Give yourselves a name. Don’t give yourselves a name. Follow a format. Don’t follow a format. Meet for 6 weeks. Meet for 4.
  • Form a GrandHuddle or get some ideas for forming a grandparent prayer group that fits your needs and schedule HERE.
  • Find community in our Facebook prayer group for grandparents.

Praying in community provides encouragement, accountability, strength, and togetherness as you engage in a task of vital importance.

“Prayer does not fit us for greater works; prayer is the greater work.”

Oswald Chambers

Nothing will influence the next generation more than our prayers. Praying with Purpose gives us a wonderful road map for enjoying and sharing a focused and creative prayer life. Included in the book are many creative and real world methods for a variety of different types of prayer and prayer topics.

Available at Amazon.com


  • What wonderful suggestions. My grandchildren are growing up and getting married now. Others will be before long. It is such a joy to see the relationships we have and the fruit of prayer. Not that every situation is perfect or that they are all where I would like to see them spiritually, but I know God is faithful!

  • It is so very important to pray for our adult children & grandchildren (we have 10 grandchildren), what a privilege that is! And keeps us fervent in prayer!

    You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa,

  • It is so important for grandparents to do this.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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