50 Creative Ways to Express Worship

In the busyness of life our wonder and awe can be lost. Explore fifty creative ways to express worship and restore your awe.

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

February 29, 2024
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So many things demand our attention – daily schedules, home upkeep, agendas, social media channels, phones, jobs, physical fitness. The list is daunting, but it cannot be ignored. So many of these time-consuming tasks simply must be attended to for the sake of our health, protection, and safety.

Here is where the danger lies. In all the doing, eyes on the tasks, we can become distracted. Too distracted for wonder and awe.

How is your awe? Right now? On a scale of 1-10?

Could you use a little boost? Or is a major work of restoration needed?

No matter where you are, I pray you find these creative ideas helpful in your worship of the Only One Who is Worthy.

  1. Stir a sense of awe. Before you pray, sit a minute or so in silence. Quiet your mind and turn your thoughts toward God. Enter His presence reverently.
  2. Gaze in awe at “I Am.” Read a Bible passage such as Psalm 139 and respond with words or art.
  3. Create a “Wonder and Awe” playlist. Choose songs that celebrate the perfect character and incredible deeds of God. Then turn the music up!
  4. With your focus on God, perform an act of service for someone else.
  5. What gives you goose bumps? Make a list of those things that stir a sense of awe in you. Take your list to the Lord in a prayer of thanksgiving.
  6. Change things up. Go outside and worship Him in the beauty of creation.
  7. Pray. Praise God for who He is. Celebrate the wonder of His glorious name. Confess your misplaced focus. Thank Him for His extraordinary acts, both historical and personal. Ask Him for eyes to see.
  8. Intentionally quiet your mind and prepare your heart before leaving your home for your church gathering.
  9. Before speaking to anyone, say a short, silent prayer as you enter your church building.
  10. Even if it is uncomfortable, join in when your church family sings together.
  11. Sing for an audience of One. Direct your song to God.
  12. Carry your Bible to church, read along, and take notes on the sermon.
  13. Serve others by taking part in church ministry. Be a greeter, set up the coffee, rock babies.
  14. At the close of service, before leaving your seat, offer thanks to God.
  15. Say thank you to at least one person at church. Be specific in your thanks.
  16. Sit by someone who is sitting alone.
  17. Practice a cross-centered day (preach the gospel to yourself, read Scriptures about the cross, listen to music with the message of the cross, etc.).
  18. Go for a praise walk thanking God for everything you see. 
  19. Visit someone who is ill.
  20. Set the timer on your watch to go off every hour to remind you to think of Him.
  21. Sing Scripture songs with your children as you put them to bed.
  22. Play worship music or a sermon podcast while you work out, do household chores, or drive your car.
  23. Play your musical instrument as an act of worship.
  24. Write a letter to God.
  25. Write a poem about God.
  26. Give up a favorite food for a month to remind yourself of His worth.
  27. Stay alert to God’s surprises throughout each and every day.
  28. Forgive those who have wronged you.
  29. Make a list or scrapbook of the things God has done for you.
  30. Go through the alphabet naming an attribute of God for each letter.
  31. Wear a special piece of jewelry that will remind you of Jesus.
  32. Do something sacrificial and don’t tell anyone about it.
  33. Don’t listen to gossip.
  34. Praise others daily.
  35. Take a walk outside. Before you go, read the first chapter of one of Paul’s letters and write down a verse or two you want to meditate on while you walk.
  36. Sing a classic hymn and concentrate on the words.  Let the message of the Gospel nourish your soul and draw you into God’s presence. (Some wonderful old hymns of the faith are “Amazing Grace,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “Come, Thou Fount,” “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” and “It Is Well with My Soul.”)
  37. Stand and sing your favorite worship song at the top of your lungs. Raise your hands in worship. Move your feet.
  38. Simply rest. Recharge your body and spirit. Read Jesus’ invitation to rest: “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30).
  39. Try the Palm Up, Palm Down Centering Prayer. Sit comfortably and start by placing your hands palm down on your legs. Release all your worries, doubts, and anxieties to God. Then turn your hands palm up and receive God’s love and blessing. Remember the words of Psalm 31:19: “Oh, how abundant is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You.”
  40. Pray the words of Scripture. Try Psalms 16, 25, or 42. Put the Psalm or Scripture into your own words.  Insert your own name into the Scripture.  Pray from a posture different than the one you usually assume.
  41. Focus on your invisible and often overlooked inner life. As you search your soul, ask your loving Heavenly Father to show you which attitudes, expectations, beliefs, or plans are holding you back from intimacy with Him.
  42. Identify your Spiritual Markers.  Working in chronological order, make a list of all the major events in your life.  Circle each event where you saw God clearly at work in your life. Reflect on what you learned about yourself and about God from each of your Markers.
  43. Be creative. Use your creative gifts to express your love for God. Play the piano. Sketch a portrait. Write a poem. Sew a garment. Whatever you do, do it in praise to the One who gave you your abilities.
  44. Create a photo journal. Take a walk in nature and snap photos of things that remind you of God. Later, create a slide show or photo book of the photos captioned with prayers of thanksgiving.
  45. Meditate on God’s wondrous works that are recorded in the Bible.
  46. Create a list of the blessings that are yours because of Christ’s work on the cross.
  47. Construct a timeline of God’s work in your life. Choose one remembrance and share it with a friend or family member today.
  48. Spend some time with Psalm 105:1 or any favorite verse of Scripture. Create a verse map, read it in several other Bible translations, rewrite it in your own words, meditate on it, pray it.
  49. Begin a Mighty Deeds of God journal. From time to time, record all the many ways God has been at work in your heart, your life, and the lives of your family. As an act of remembrance, designate regular intervals for reviewing the entries in your journal.
  50. Choose a location that you do not normally associate with worship – the shower, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, driving down the highway, the golf course. Worship God in that place today.

Beginning Monday, March 4, 2024

Just for Praise and Worship is a 10-week “journey” in growing in response to God. The group will meet via a private Facebook group and spend ten weeks working through the accompanying booklet which is included.

The cost for the group is $10.00. This includes membership and the booklet.

To learn more or sign up, click HERE

Be sure to sign up soon. We begin this coming Monday, March 4, 2024.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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