7 Practical Ideas for Giving Thanks When Days are Busy

Over the past few weeks, we’ve spent time exploring ways to engage in certain of the spiritual practices, even on the busiest of days. 7 Practical Ideas for Praying When Days are Busy 7 Practical Ideas for Engaging the Scripture When Days are Busy 7 Practical Ideas for Getting Alone with God When Days are…

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Deborah Haddix

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Over the past few weeks, we’ve spent time exploring ways to engage in certain of the spiritual practices, even on the busiest of days.

7 Practical Ideas for Praying When Days are Busy

7 Practical Ideas for Engaging the Scripture When Days are Busy

7 Practical Ideas for Getting Alone with God When Days are Busy

7 Practical Ideas for Offering Praise and Worship When Days are Busy

This week, we conclude our series with 7 Practical Ideas for Giving Thanks When Days are Busy.


“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.”

Henry Van Dyke

Notice in the quote above, gratitude is the feeling or emotion.  Thankfulness is the impulse or desire.  Thanksgiving is the expression or act.

For the believer in Christ, thanksgiving should be a perpetual and ongoing expression, as natural as breathing.

So how do we make the giving of thanks an ongoing expression even when days are busy?

Never Too Busy to Give Thanks


Stay alert to God’s surprises throughout each and every day. Don’t let the “busy” keep you from seeing them.

Set a reminder

Set the timer on your watch to go off every hour. At the sound of the alarm, stop and give thanks.

End each day with thanks

Get in the habit of thanking God for three things each night before you fall asleep.

Journal your thanks

Keep an ongoing list of things you are thankful for. Every day add to your list 3, 5, or 10 things for which you are grateful.

Or, grab a journal and simply start counting your gifts from God. Keep adding to your list until you’ve recorded 1,000 things for which you are thankful.

List writing not your thing? On days when life is busy, lists are quick and easy. However, they certainly aren’t for everyone. How are you wired? Would a scrapbook or photo-journal of thanks be more suited to you?

Display it

Use a chalkboard, whiteboard, or pretty frame with dry erase markers to display your thanks. Place your board or frame in a high-traffic area of your home – in the kitchen, by the door, somewhere you will see it often. Then get in the habit of putting one thing for which you are thankful on display each day by writing it on your board or frame. For kitchen services in Portland, Oregon, you can click here!

Go for a walk

Take a stroll around the block or through a park. As you walk, thank God for everything you see… and more!

Look to Scripture

The Bible is full of Scripture on the topic of thanksgiving. Spend some time with God in the pages of His Word. It might be helpful to use your Bible concordance or do a Google or Pinterest search to locate appropriate verses.

Even on the busiest of days, time can be spent in Scripture by reading or handwriting even one verse.

Gratitude Scripture Challenge PDF

We are a busy people. This fact is true.

But, ever aware, may we never allow our busyness to migrate to hurry. With intentionality and purposed hearts, let us guard our time with God even when days are busy.

And on those days when it’s just not possible to carve out large blocks of time, I still must make time for engaging with God through the spiritual practices – however I am able.

Journaling for the Soul

The busyness of life has made its migration into the depths of our being, squeezing God out. Journaling for the Soul helps eliminate the hurry,  brings quiet for hearing, and creates much needed space.

This book includes a wide range of journaling methods to suit a variety of personalities or seasons of life and topics: gratitude, simplicity, vision boards, timelines, journaling for friends, fears, self-reflection, attributes of God, names of Christ.

Available at Warner Press.


1 comment

  • Bethany

    What a great list! Going to go spend some time writing thanks in my journal!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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