Here we are nearing the end of the Lenten season. Holy Week, just around the corner.
Generally speaking, I think this time of year finds our thoughts turning toward the Cross more than other times. After all, our readings and other spiritual practices have that aim.
But what about the remainder of the year? When Lenten fasting, Good Friday services, journeys to the Cross, and Easter morning church traditions aren’t right before us?
How do we stay focused on the Cross during the everyday of life? Because we need to!
The Cross
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.
1 Corinthians 15:1-3 (Emphasis added.)
Christ’s death upon the Cross is of utmost importance in the life of the believer. In fact, Paul states that it is of first importance – nothing else is of more value.
If there’s anything we should be passionate about, this is it! The Gospel. The Cross of Christ.

7 Practical Ways to Focus Daily on the Cross of Christ
1. Pray Before Your Feet Hit the Floor
Begin each day with a Cross-Focused prayer.
- Thank God for the work of the Cross.
- Praise Jesus for His obedience to the work.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you focused on the Cross throughout your day.
- Express gratitude for the forgiveness of your sin.
2. Memorize Scripture
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
God instructs us to memorize His word. Yet, we have nearly let the practice slip into oblivion. Resurrect this powerful spiritual discipline by memorizing verses and passages about the Cross.
A Selection of Cross-Focused passages:
- Isaiah 53:3-6
- Isaiah 53:10
- Habakkuk 3:18
- Mark 14:32-35
- Luke 22:42
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-3
- 2 Corinthians 5:21
- Romans 3:23-26
- Romans 5:6-11
- Romans 8:31-34
- Galatians 2:21
3. Preach Cross-Focused Truth to Yourself
One of the most important habits you can develop is the practice of speaking Cross-Focused, Gospel truth to yourself each day – First thing in the morning, before your head hits the pillow at night, and every moment in between.
Simply STOP whatever you are doing, grab your own attention, and say, “Listen up! The truth is you are forgiven in Christ. You have hope and access to ‘life-from-the-dead, resurrection power through the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Live today, live this moment in the truth of the Cross.”
4. Sing Cross-Focused Songs
Create yourself a playlist of songs with lyrics that focus on the Cross of Christ.
A Selection of Cross-Focused Songs:
- The Wondrous Cross by Christy Nockels
- Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin
- Living Hope by Phil Wickham
- The Power of the Cross by Keith & Kristyn Getty
- How Deep the Father’s Love by Selah
- Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) by Casting Crowns
- in the Cross/Worthy is the Lamb/Crown Him with Many Crowns by Danilo Moraes
- Remember by Passion
- The Night Before Easter by the Gaither Vocal Band
5. Surround Yourself with Reminders
Place visual reminders of the glorious work of the Cross where you will see them regularly.
- Write out Cross-focused verses and post them on mirrors, cabinet doors, or the front of your refrigerator.
- Print out Cross-focused quotes and hang them over your desk or above the sink.
- Decorate your home with Cross-focused art.
6. Reflect
Don’t forget the past, your past.
Remembering is one of the most effective ways to focus on the Cross. Be intentional about setting aside time to remember and reflect on the work of the Cross and how it has changed you.
7. Engage Your Mind
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30
It is impossible for the heart to love what the mind doesn’t know. Increase your knowledge and understanding of the work Jesus performed on the Cross by engaging your mind.
- Study Scripture passages on the crucifixion.
- Spend time in the book of Romans.
- Listen to podcasts and sermons that have a Cross focus.
- Journal through Cross-focused passages.
- Read theologically solid books on the Cross.
A Selection of Cross-Focused Books:
- The Power of the Cross of Christ by Charles Spurgeon
- The Cross of Christ by John Stott
- Living the Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney
- The Cross and Christian Ministry by D.A. Carson
- The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges

Grace and Truth to Cling to the Cross ~ Candidly Christian
[…] my life, I’ve struggled with a God who feels so far away. I love Deborah Haddix’s post, 7 Practical Ways to Focus Daily on the Cross of Christ, because she provides a list of ways to touch, see, read, speak, and hear the cross. Her title says […]
Wendy @ One Exceptional Life
These are great reminders to keep our hearts and minds focused on the cross. What is more important than that?
Barbara Harper
I love all these tips. I also loved the phrase “grab your own attention.”
How To Stay Focused on the Cross - Link-Up | Embracing the Unexpected
[…] here to read our featured […]
Thank you for these very practical tools that bring the richness of the meaning of the cross into our hearts this Easter. God bless.
Patsy Burnette
Deborah, I love the list of cross-focused hymns! This is a great, thought-provoking post. Love your points here. Thank you!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
What a beautiful post packed full of wisdom. Thank you for your lists. Yes, we need to think about the cross all year long. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Link-Up. Maree
Donna Reidland
Such great recommendations! And the lists of songs and books are so helpful! I’ve been listening to “Is He Worthy?” a lot lately.
Lisa notes...
Love this list! I’m currently memorizing Psalm 91. It seems particularly relevant right now!
Valerie Riese
“If there’s anything we need to be passionate about, this is it” AMEN! Every day, throughout the year, all of our lives!
Thank you for this Christ centered post and the reminder of how we need to remember what Christ accomplished on the cross for us daily. Visiting from Lisanotes and Grace and Glory.
Mandy Farmer
Excellent tips. Sharing on facebook and pinterest. COmingi to you from Grace and Glory Linkup
I enjoyed the emphasis on the Cross of Christ. It is wonderful that we have been given the gift of time to unwrap the riches of Christ each day and to explore more of the Scriptures and apply the truth in everyday practices. Thank you for the positive message of hope that resounds and motivates me to keep in touch with the living Lord and give Him lordship over all my life.
Patsy, thank you for the visit. I know I’ve been playing that playlist quite often lately.
Thank you!
Thank you!! I am going to feature your post this Friday on Grace & Truth Link-Up. Maree
Thank you for stopping by today and for the words of encouragement. May all your days be cross-centered!
Me, too, Donna! Love that song!
Mandy, Thank you so much for sharing and for visiting from Grace and Glory!
I love your positive outlook – “…we have been given the gift of time to unwrap the riches of Christ.” May we each see this time as a gift!