9 Creative Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren

Prayer is a powerful tool gifted to us by our gracious and loving Father. I know there is power in prayer, and I understand that my prayers for my grandchildren are vital.  Yet, honestly, sometimes I struggle when it comes to the actual praying part.  I tend to fall into ruts of sameness.  My mind…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

July 5, 2018
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Prayer is a powerful tool gifted to us by our gracious and loving Father.

I know there is power in prayer, and I understand that my prayers for my grandchildren are vital.  Yet, honestly, sometimes I struggle when it comes to the actual praying part.  I tend to fall into ruts of sameness.  My mind wanders. I’m at a loss for what to pray.

Do any of these ever happen to you?  I’m so glad I’m not alone!

I have found that in times of struggle, it helps to break from the routine and/or the traditional.  Here are 9 outside-the-box ways to pray for your grandchildren when you struggle to pray.

9 Creative Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren


  1. Picture Prayer Journal

Keep a prayer journal for your grandchildren.  Use a blank journal, composition book, or 3-ring binder and set up your Picture Prayer Journal by child.  For each child, create an “info” page by writing their name and birthday in an upper corner.  Attach a small photo in the opposite corner.  On the remainder of that page and all subsequent pages, record prayer requests, praises, answers to prayer, and any other notes you like.

  1. Legacy Prayer Journal

Another take on prayer journals, the Legacy Prayer Journal is kept by both the grandparents and grandchildren of a family working together.  This type of journal is sectioned off by categories such as prayer requests, answers to prayer, prayers, etc.  Long-distance grandparents can make use of technology to elicit entries from their grandchildren.  The Legacy Prayer Journal promotes communication, builds connection and encourages modeling/discussion of prayer.

  1. Prayer Box

For this creative prayer technique, you need a box, any box.  Decorate your box or leave it as is.  (On the other hand, if you prefer, simply purchase a box.  A quick Google search will turn up many options.)  Additionally, you will need a bag of small stones or marbles to represent your prayer requests.  Once your materials are collected, simply place your object in the box as you pray.  For added impact, you might choose a different small object to represent “answers to your prayers.”  Over time, your box will become a “picture” of your prayers for your grandchildren.

  1. Triggers

Does your grandchild have a favorite song?  If so, each time you hear the song take a moment to pray for him/her.  How about a favorite food or activity?  Use it as a prayer trigger.  If your grandchild is crazy about strawberries, pray when you eat strawberries.  Does another have an obsession with baseball?  Then pray when you drive past a baseball game.  Photos are another great trigger.  Grandparents are notorious for having a multitude of photos of their grandchildren.  Use the photos as reminders (triggers) to pray.

  1. Pray the Alphabet

Use the alphabet as a framework for your prayer.  Working from A through Z, pray one specific thing for each letter.  Pray for your grandchild’s struggles, age-appropriate needs, relationships, or for Godly character traits you would like to see develop in your grandchild.

  1. Pray in Color for Your Grandchildren

A prayer technique combining Sybil MacBeth’s Praying in Color with the use of Prayer Resource Sheets.   Praying in Color for Your Grandchildren is a unique and engaging method of prayer that invites grandparents to more specific and consistent times of prayer.  (The process is explained in detail on our Praying in Color for Your Grandchildren page.)

  1. Write

Psalm: a sacred song or poem used in worship

 Write out your prayer as a poem, Psalm, or letter.  Address it to your Heavenly Father or to the child for whom you are praying.

  1. 30-Day Prayer Challenge

Commit to 30 consecutive days of prayer for your grandchild.  Download a free Challenge booklet filled with prayer prompts based on Scripture.

  1. Grandparents’ Day of Prayer

Unite in prayer with other grandparents from around the globe on September 9, 2018.  Visit Christian Grandparenting Network for more information about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

The 30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge is available for download and individual participation year round.  Simply, click the link to download the booklet.  Additionally, corporate participation opportunities are available a couple of times a year through a private Facebook group.  The next offering is scheduled for Saturday, August 11, 2018-September 9, 2018, as a lead up to Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.  Please join us at 30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge FB.


To learn more about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer (September 9, 2018), visit this link.  

1 comment

  • I love these ideas, Deborah! I’ve marked my calendar to set aside Sept 9th as a special of prayer … but won’t be waiting until then! Love praying for my littles!! Blessings!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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