The ABC’s of Love, God’s Way

  Life has been different for us this summer.  A journey planned by God for our family at this time for a purpose. In late May our oldest daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  We were here (twelve hours from home) with her family in late June as she underwent surgery.  We are here again…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

August 17, 2017
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An ABC of Love


Life has been different for us this summer.  A journey planned by God for our family at this time for a purpose.
In late May our oldest daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  We were here (twelve hours from home) with her family in late June as she underwent surgery.  We are here again for two weeks as she goes through the follow-up treatment.
My husband and I come to be with her, our son-in-law, and their four young children.
A long emotional summer.  Physical weariness.  (There’s a reason we have our children while we are young!)  My plan was to take a break this week and not concern myself with a blog post.  …My plan.
But today (the day before blog post day), the word LOVE kept coming to mind.
This summer, among many other things God has been teaching me, I have had the privilege of seeing LOVE lived out intentionally, clearly, in obedience, with great joy!
It has been a beautiful sight to watch the body of Christ love on my daughter FAITHFULLY, over the long haul.  One day when it’s not so raw, I may be able to share specifics.  But for today as God brings the topic to my mind once again through a cheerful visitor and a chapter in Alan Fadling’s An Unhurried Life, I simply feel compelled to share broad strokes of the LOVE I have seen demonstrated this summer.


Love God’s Way

Allows the plight of the broken to touch its heart.
ears the cost of caring.
omforts and cares for the wounded.
efers to another.
nables us to listen when we are tempted to react.
ollows through and follows up.
rants the time needed for someone to recover.
angs around.
nvestigates and serves.
udges not.
eeps step with Jesus.
ooks long enough to be affected by what it sees.
oves us to seek understanding when we feel misunderstood.
otices and acts.
ffers intensive care.
rimary measure God uses to determine what is valuable.
uits measuring care in terms of time.
equires from us a more unhurried approach to life.
tops when it encounters human need.
ravels a journey for the wounded.
iews people with mercy and extends grace.
hat matters most.
eXerts effort for others.
ields its own agenda, choosing instead to
ero in on God’s.

Praise the Lord!  The scans came back “ALL CLEAR” just this morning!  No more cancer!                


  • I said a prayer for your daughter!
    Living love intentionally is a great reminder!
    Visiting from #HeartEncouragement

  • Robinality

    I am seeking to live intentionally so it’s exciting to read how you’ve experienced “love lived out intentionally this summer!” Thank you for sharing!

  • Thank you, Julie. I so appreciate your prayers on her behalf.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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