By Don Haddix
There is a song by Sidewalk Prophets called “Live Like That.” I’ve enjoyed listening to this song ever since it came out a few years ago.
Most often when songs come on the radio or my playlist, I find myself caught up in the tune. Occasionally, however, I do sit back and (rather than belt it out in an off-key voice) listen to the lyrics.
Today, I did just that. Working outside in the yard listening to my music, I sat back and listened:
“Am I proof
That You are who you say You are
That grace can really change a heart
Do I live like Your love is trueSidewalk Prophets, “Live Like That” (emphasis added)
People pass
And even if they don’t know my name
Is there evidence that I’ve been changed
When they see me, do they see You”
Listening to the Lyrics
Some of those lines really caused me to stop and think.
Do I show others Christ?
Is there evidence that I am not the same person I was before I accepted Him?
Does my life exhibit Christ to my children and grandchildren?
“When they see me, do they see YOU?”
Thinking on the Lyrics
Growing up, when I thought of God, I pictured Him as I saw my earthly father – he was older (my dad was 56 when I was born) and many times grumpy or mean.
As I grew and learned more about Christ and God the Father, I determined to show my children a father that loved and cared.
I’ve now passed the age of my childhood memories of my father. In fact, I am a grandfather. My deepest desire is that my grandchildren see a white-haired grandfather that loves and cares for them, one who shows them the way (not perfectly) that Christ loves us.
I want to be the proof “that You are who You say You are” to them.
The opportunity is right there in front of me, and it’s not to be taken lightly.
When my grandchildren look at me, do they see Christ? Do they know that I have been with Him, and that He makes a difference to me? And that He can make that same difference to them?
Not only that, but when I look in the mirror, do I see Christ? Or do I see more of the world in me?
And if Christ looked in that mirror, what would He see?

Did you know grandparenting is God’s idea? He created it. He designed it, and the Bible clearly defines it. Understanding and enthusiastically embracing the role is key to our effectiveness as a grandparent. Biblical Portrait of Grandparenthood highlights specific Scriptures that reveal God’s unique design for the role of a grandparent. Through a series of penetrating questions designed for self-reflection, discover how well you are fulfilling His plan. Also learn practical ways you can influence and impact the lives of your grandchildren through your attitudes, words, and actions.
Available at
Kim Turner McCulley
This is something I often contemplate. Thank you for the food for thought, and enjoy those grandchildren!
Patsy Burnette
Yes Deborah, I want be that proof! Mine are on their way to see me for a few days right now. I can hardly wait!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
What a wonderful mirror to hold up to our own actions: asking ourselves what our grandchildren see. I love it!
Rebecca Hastings
What a good reminder for all of us to be more of what we want others to really see: Jesus!
Thanks for stopping by today, Kim, and for sharing. I popped over to your blog. It’s nice to meet you!
Oh, what fun! Enjoy them!!!!!