Celebrate the Generations through Prayer

While many churches of our day seem to be choosing to focus their ministry on one or two generations, there are others making the intentional choice to celebrate all of the generations.Not necessarily an easy choice, but a beautiful one!The generations are God’s design. The church also. And God composed the body so that each…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

July 27, 2017
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Ideas of things to pray for each of the five generations.|Ideas of things to pray for the "ages 13-25" generation.|Ideas of specific things to pray for the "birth to 12 years of age" generation.||Ideas of things to pray for the "ages 46-64" generation.|Ideas of specific things to pray for the "ages 26-45" generation.|Ideas of things to pray for the "ages 65+" generation.

While many churches of our day seem to be choosing to focus their ministry on one or two generations, there are others making the intentional choice to celebrate all of the generations.

Not necessarily an easy choice, but a beautiful one!

The generations are God’s design. The church also. And God composed the body so that each and every member is significant.

A generation is a group of people connected by their place in time. They have common boundaries and a common character. The span of a generation is approximately the length of a phase of life, and each generation develops beliefs that shape its direction from youth onward.

Generations live in the same world. However, they do not experience that world in the same way.

Churches who make the decision to celebrate all the generations of its body, must learn to view each generation as an asset, to communicate cross-generationally, and to promote intergenerational interaction.

The church I attend is one of those churches – choosing to celebrate all of the generations within its body. Several Sundays throughout the year and each Sunday during the month of July, we observe what we refer to as MOSAIC Services – Five Generations, One Church.

During these services, every member of our body (with the exception of a few babies) joins together in corporate worship. Singing and praying together. A mix of music. Multiple generations involved in sermon demonstrations. Crayons and paper available on the ends of each pew. Something for members of each generation. And all while interacting with one another.

This month, one of the sweetest parts of our MOSAIC services for me has been corporate prayer. Each week a different generation has been highlighted during a time of specific prayer.

How often do I even think to pray for the generations?

These weeks of highlighted prayer for the generations have awakened me to my responsibility to pray specifically for each generation and have provided me with “help” in doing so.


Birth – 12 years of age

  • Calm their anxiety, fear, questions, and doubts.
  • Ask for wisdom for them.
  • Thank God for the blessing and joy that each one is.
  • Pray that they would know God and connected with Him.
  • Ask that God would guide them in daily living.
  • Pray that in such an anxious culture, God would calm them, give them peace, and give them joy.
  • Request that the character of Christ would be developed in them.

13-25 years of age

  • Thank God for His love for the people of this generation.
  • Ask that God by His Holy Spirit show them His great love for them in ways they’ve not known before.
  • Pray that God would fill them with a love for Him and that He would help their love to overflow to others around them.
  • Ask that He help them to be a light in their generation.
  • Pray that God would give them boldness courage, and strength to follow Him even when it’s hard.
  • Ask God to lead them through important life decisions.
  • Pray that God would help them seek Him in everything they do for their lasting joy, for the lasting joy of all people, and for the glory of His great name.

26 – 45 years of age

  • Give thanks to the Lord for the members of this generation and the value they place on people and relationships.
  • Pray for them as they navigate this current life season which is full of transitions: college, marriage, family, relationships.
  • Ask God to fill them with wisdom and strength for decision making.
  • Pray that He would help them learn to share: their questions, burdens, and struggles.
  • Ask Him to guard their hearts and help them to live a Christ-centered life.
  • Pray that they would have an unhurried soul.

46 – 64 years of age

  • Thank God for their eagerness to learn and their desire to pour into others.
  • Pray for them as they near the life transition into retirement.
  • Ask that as they look toward retirement they seek ways to replenish, reflect, and serve.
  • Thank God for their faithfulness.
  • Pray that God would help them be faithful examples of His love to their children and grand-children.
  • Ask that He help them step out of their comfort zones in love, witness, and service.

65+ years of age

  • Give thanks to God for their faithful witness through the decades.
  • Thank Him for their perseverance in the faith, depth of faith, and wisdom.
  • Pray that their later years will continue to be marked by growth in following Jesus.
  • Ask that their eyes be fixed on God more than ever before as they walk through the joys and sorrows to come.
  • Pray that they would finish well.
  • Ask God to help you honor them by building relationships with them.

Pray that each generation will remember His Name and lift up His praise forever and ever.

I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever. Psalm 45:17

Looking for a way to lift those of another generation up in prayer?

Join the 30-Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Challenge and pray for your grandchildren (or the grandchildren of someone you know).  This year’s Prayer Challenge will run from Saturday, August 12th through Sunday, September 10th.  Participants in the Challenge will have access to daily prayer prompts which will help them pray specifically and with intention for the members of this young generation.  The challenge also offers community with other grandparents which is great for encouragement and support.  Let’s help the generations to see Him and to know Him.

Sign up for the FREE challenge here:  30-Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Challenge – begins August 12th.

1 comment

  • These are such thoughtful ways to pray for each generation. I never really thought to pray specifically for each age group.I love how it helps see the different stages in life and areas to pray for.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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