Close Enough to Catch a Glimpse of Him

Christmas is a time to celebrate closeness, and Immanuel is the reason. Catch “Glimpses of God” this Christmas an draw near to the One who has already drawn near to you.

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

November 14, 2024
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Guest Post by Kate Takseraas

Christmas is a time to celebrate closeness. 

We celebrate closeness as we attend parties with friends.  We celebrate closeness as we select that perfect gift for someone special.  We celebrate closeness as we gather with our family at home or as we connect with them across the miles through cell phones and computer screens. 

Christmas is a time to celebrate closeness, because of the One who came from Heaven to earth to be close to His people.  His name is Immanuel – “God with us.”  Immanuel is the reason why Christmas is a time to celebrate closeness.  Jesus Christ, Immanuel, is the One we celebrate.

But if God is close, if He is truly Immanuel – God with us, then where is He? 

Jesus Christ, Immanuel, the One we Celebrate

God has revealed who He is and what He has done for us through His creation, through the life of His Son Jesus Christ, and through His Word – the Bible.

John 1:14 tells us, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  God the Father sent Jesus Christ from heaven to earth to be born in the flesh by the Holy Spirit.  Being both truly God and truly man, Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life.  Jesus fully obeyed each requirement of the Law and fulfilled every prophecy foretold of the promised Messiah.  Then, Jesus died on the cross, was buried, rose to life again, and ascended to heaven in the full authority of God Himself. 

Jesus came from heaven to earth to be Immanuel – to be “God with us” – because we desperately need Him.

From the first man and woman created in God’s image until now, our sinful disobedience has broken our relationship with God and created a distance between God and man we could not traverse.  On our own, we are forever far off and separated from God.  Jesus’ perfect life, death, and resurrection spanned the distance and brought close to God all those who repent, or turn from sin, and believe in Him.  Jesus – Immanuel – is the only way to a close relationship with God.

Glimpses of God

Glimpses of God at Christmas” is a celebration of Immanuel through Luke 2:1-20.  The 12-photo scavenger hunt invites you, and those close to you, to discover a glimpse of, or a peek at, who God is and the great things He has done.  You will catch glimpses of Him as you read Scripture, connect with the Good News of Jesus, celebrate who He is, and capture photos of people, places, or things that remind you of Him. 

Twinkling strands of Christmas lights fill the dark winter sky with a soft, colorful glow. 

Did you catch a glimpse of Him?


God is Light – defeating the darkness.

Beautifully wrapped presents nestled under the tree filled with hand-picked surprises waiting to be revealed. 

Did you catch a glimpse of Him?


God is Gracious – giving us what we do not deserve.

A Nativity set displayed each year with an empty manger until the babe appears on Christmas Eve. 

Did you catch a glimpse of Him?


God is Immanuel – God with us.

God has revealed glimpses of Himself in the world He created, in Scripture, and in His Son, Jesus Christ.  God wants to be known.  God wants to be close to His people.  Have you caught a glimpse of Him?

This Christmas season, my prayer is for “Glimpses of God at Christmas” to be a way for you and your loved ones to draw near to the One who has already drawn near to you.  I pray as you catch glimpses of Him your hearts will overflow with peace and hope.  Until the day we see Him fully face to face, may we all remain close enough to catch a glimpse of Him and rejoice in Immanuel!

“Glimpses of God at Christmas” is a Gospel centered, photo scavenger hunt celebrating 12 attributes of God found in Luke 2:1-20. Each of the 12 “Capture Cards” uses Scripture to tell the story of Jesus’ birth and the “Good News” of salvation found in Him.

Kate Takseraas is a mom, children’s ministry director, and author.  She began writing discipleship resources for kids and families out of a desire to see her own four boys develop a love for God and His Word.  Her other work includes the children’s inductive Bible studies Rooted: Psalm 23 and Rooted: Psalm 1.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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