Easter is nearly here. Are you ready to celebrate?
…the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.
…the reason Christians gather for corporate worship on Sundays.
A celebratory season full of joy.
As with Christmas, Easter is both a day and a season. Unknown to many, Easter is actually a fifty-day season. (It seems fitting, doesn’t it, that Easter should last longer than Lent? That the feasting should exceed the fasting?)
During the season of Easter, we celebrate Christ risen, death defeated, sins forgiven, and evil overcome. Think about it. The reality of Easter really is incredible.
No wonder it needs a season. How could we possibly celebrate such an earth-shaking, mind-blowing, life-altering, cosmos-shattering event in a single day?
He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.
Come, see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6
As you prepare to celebrate the day and the season, plan things into your observance that will help you contemplate the amazing reality of the resurrection and feel the incredible joy and wonder of this earth-shattering event.
Resources for Celebrating Easter
Cross-Centered Day Playlist – A YouTube Playlist

1 Corinthians 15:3 – 5×7 print

By John Piper
Your life! Your precious life for mine,
O Christ, my Lord, my God, my Crown,
No foe nor pow’r in Palestine,
Took at their will. You laid it down.
For silver sold, betrayed, for me,
But not unwittingly. Untrue,
This Judas kiss! And yet, when he
Was chosen as your friend, you knew.
O, bloody path! And in my place!
You strode unwavering the way
Of woe. To die you set your face,
And none could hasten or delay.
What awful aim! What cruel end!
A scheme of suffering to span
The ages for my sake! Dear Friend,
You knew! Indeed, you formed the plan.
My Lord, my ever-living King,
I love you now, and would not waste
One hour to love you more, but cling
To you, who death and me embraced.
This Easter Sunday, this Easter season, How will you celebrate?
1 comment
Donna Reidland
We celebrated today with a “zoom” service with our church family and this week we have been watching the 1977 4-part movie, Jesus of Nazareth.