Epiphany – Observing the Christian Calendar in 2016

A reminder for those who have chosen to observe the Christian Calendar during the coming year.  The season of Epiphany began last Wednesday, January 6th and ends the day before Ash Wednesday.  Following is a brief reminder as to what Epiphany celebrates and how you might choose to observe it.  It’s not too late!  …

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

January 10, 2016
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A reminder for those who have chosen to observe the Christian Calendar during the coming year.  The season of Epiphany began last Wednesday, January 6th and ends the day before Ash Wednesday.  Following is a brief reminder as to what Epiphany celebrates and how you might choose to observe it.  It’s not too late!


EChristian Calendarpiphany – A celebration of the good news of the coming of God the Son for the whole earth. A season for seeing more of Christ’s glory by focusing on his life and mission. (Come and See; John 1:39), and a season for making that glory better known to those around us. (Go and Tell; Juke 10:1-24). A time to both inhabit the Story and to tell the Story.

January 6th – Epiphany Begins

Consider: How do we as a family want to witness to the Light of the World during this season? How will the Light spread?

 A concrete reminder—Leave the porch light on or use electric candles in the windows.
 Take down Christmas tree and decorations providing an intentional ending to the Christmas season.
 Host a house blessing. Mark the lintel of the most used door in home “20 C+M+B __ (last two digits of current calendar year  example 20 C+M+B 16 for the year 2016)” in chalk.
 Invite a few people to take a look at Jesus with you through a four to six week informal, investigative Bible study.
 Read an entire Gospel one or more times from start to finish, absorbing the full narrative sweep of Christ’s remarkable life.
 Read a book to sharpen your thinking about sharing your faith.  Gather a few friends and serve together in a volunteer opportunity.
 Choose friends, coworkers, family members to pray for during Epiphany.
 If someone appears open, invite them for coffee and some conversation about spiritual matters.
 Give a friend a thoughtful book on the Christian faith.

The season of Epiphany ends the day before Ash Wednesday.
The final Sunday of Epiphany is also known as Transfiguration Sunday.


January 6th – Epiphany Begins  (List ways you plan to intentionally observe Epiphany this year.)





February            – Final Sunday of Epiphany




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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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