Evidences of Grace: Proof We Have Grace

  GRACE is a tough one for me.  I’m not sure whether it’s intrinsic to my humanness or a cultural issue, but I’m used to working for things; earning them.  The whole idea of GRACE being a gift – unmerited, underserved can be a hard concept to wrap my head around.   And GRACE is…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

October 5, 2017
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GRACE is a tough one for me.  I’m not sure whether it’s intrinsic to my humanness or a cultural issue, but I’m used to working for things; earning them.  The whole idea of GRACE being a gift – unmerited, underserved can be a hard concept to wrap my head around.


And GRACE is daily!  Yes, it was the starting point of my relationship and eternal life with God (Romans 5:1-2), but it is also His daily gift to me (2 Timothy 2:1).


What are His GRACES to me?
My salvation, a personal relationship with Him, 39 years of marriage, a husband who loves the Lord and wants to please Him, 3 children, 3 “in-loves” (spouses to my children), 10 grandchildren, God’s peace and comfort during my daughter’s bout with cancer, my church family, soul sisters, food, shelter, warm showers, a text from a friend, and the list goes on and on and on.


But sometimes, it is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the daily, the doing and not see.


Oh, let me never lose sight of Your grace, Lord!


How, do we intentionally receive His grace?

Observe the EVIDENCES (1 Corinthians 1:4-9).

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus,  –1 Corinthians 1:4
We observe GRACE by intentionally looking at our lives.  We look:
  • BACK and remember the power of the gospel to save us and the work of God already poured out on our lives.
  • IN to see the ongoing work of Christ in our lives as He brings us ever closer to maturity.
  • AROUND and observe His provision and blessing.
  • FORWARD to the day when He will return, and we will be complete.
It is through the very act of looking that we “see.”


Record the EVIDENCES.

And as we “see” the EVIDENCES, it is a good habit to record them.


The act of writing down our EVIDENCES helps us “see” God’s GRACE toward us more clearly, and it gives us the ability to make connections we might not have otherwise been able to make.
Additionally, research shows that we remember a very small percentage of what happens to us each day.  We also forget most of our feelings and reactions.  Recording aids our memory.
Another benefit to writing down our EVIDENCES of GRACE is that it provides a record of our spiritual growth.



As we go about intentionally OBSERVING and RECORDING our EVIDENCES of GRACE, we must take care not to allow our eyes to fall focus on the EVIDENCES making idols of them.  Instead with humility and gratitude, we must keep our eyes on God, Himself, the One who pours out GRACE upon GRACE.



In the proper context, EVIDENCES are a gift and a blessing from God to us.
[ctt template=”4″ link=”He7G5″ via=”yes” ]EVIDENCES of GRACE prove that we have grace.[/ctt]
Do you need proof?  Is it time to gather the EVIDENCES?
If so, give this little journaling method a try.

Evidences of Grace Journaling *

Grace is defined as the unmerited favor of God toward man.  In the hustle and busy of our days, it can be easy to lose sight of His unmerited favor toward us.  Evidences of Grace Journaling helps us slow down and turn our focus toward God as we record and remember His grace.

Where do you see the evidences of God’s favor to you?  Pay attention.  Look closely.  See them, for they are there.


Blank journal or composition book

Pen or pencil


Step 1:  Observe.  Examine your life for evidences of God’s grace.  (1 Corinthians 1:4)

Step 2:  Look back.  Where do you see the work of Christ in your life?  Where have you been enriched by Him in your speech and knowledge?  How has God helped you, guided you, or provided for you?  (1 Corinthians 1:5-6)

Step 3:  Look in.  What ongoing work is Christ doing in you?  What is He teaching you?  How is He growing you more and more into Christlikeness?  Who is He using to speak into your life?  (1 Corinthians 1:7)

Step 4:  Look forward.  How is God sustaining you to the end?  What unmerited favor is He pouring out that you will be able to stand guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ?  (1 Corinthians 1:8)

Note:  Evidences of grace are proof of God’s unmerited favor.  When examining your life for evidences of His grace, guard your heart.  Take care not to allow your focus to fall on the evidences (family, a relationship, success, material possessions, etc.) making idols of them.  Keep your focus on the Lord, the One who covers you completely with His grace.  Give Him all the praise and the glory.

 * From Journaling for the Soul: Slow Down, Replenish, Exhale [A Handbook of Methods] NOW AVAILABLE at Amazon .

Journaling for the Soul is a valuable resource for anyone in need of soul care. The easy-to-navigate handbook contains a wide variety of both traditional and nontraditional journaling methods.  For example:

PRAYER journaling methods:  Lectio Divina journaling and Pray the Alphabet journaling.

SCRIPTURE journaling methods:  CliffsNotes journaling and Sketch Notes journaling.

SIMPLICITY journaling methods:  Evidences of Grace journaling, Gratitude List journaling, and Word-a-Day journaling.

SOUL SEARCHING journaling methods:  Fears journaling and Truth journaling.

There is absolutely something for everyone.  Peruse its pages and discover a method that speaks to you. Then grab your journal, quiet yourself, and create some space to meet with God.


  • What a beautiful post on Grace. I like the looking back because it reminds me of what God has already done in my life and gives me hope to move forward. Blessings!

  • Deborah, I did know you had a journal book out! This is awesome. I loved this post today. The breakdown is beautiful. The 1 Corinth. verse – wow! SO glad to be your neighbor over at Crystals, today.

  • Thank you for the reminder, Barbie, that we are not to live in the past but to look back as a REMINDER. Today, may you be filled with hope to move forward. Blessings!

  • Meghan, so glad you stopped by, neighbor! I pray you will see evidence in abundance today!! Thank you for the encouragement.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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