Faith Journaling for Kids

The spiritual discipline of journaling is an exciting tool — for young and old alike.

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

October 15, 2020
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If you’ve been reading the blog for very long at all, you know the value I place on the practice of journaling. It is a spiritual discipline that reaps innumerable benefits for ALL who use it. Just take a look!

Benefits of Journaling

While the following is by no means an exhaustive list, consider the impact of these benefits on the life of a believer in Christ.

Faith Journaling:

  • Helps make our thoughts and prayers more concrete.
  • Organizes our thoughts.
  • Provides clarity.
  • Facilitates learning.
  • Helps us focus on the topic and on speaking to God.
  • Cultivates deeper understanding.
  • Provides a great barometer reading of our heart.
  • Facilitates connections.
  • Helps us build an authentic relationship with God​.
  • Becomes a record of our life​.
  • Help us simplify and view what is, instead of what isn’t.

Download the Benefits of Journaling PDF

An Overlooked and Undervalued Discipline

Even from our brief list, it is easy to see that the benefits are many and life-impacting. Yet as a spiritual discipline, journaling does not get much notice.

On the topic of journaling, pastor and author, Mark Batterson states, “Journaling is one of the most overlooked and undervalued spiritual disciplines. In my estimation, it’s on a par with praying, fasting, and meditating. It’s the way we document what God is doing in our lives.”

I certainly agree with his assessment and am grateful to be able to share methods, practices, and tips with all who ask so they too can reap the benefits of journaling.

Young and Old, Alike

Sadly, however, as I work with groups in conference, retreat, and workshop settings, I’m noticing that those in attendance are nearly always adults.

Yes, it’s wonderful that adults are coming to value the spiritual discipline of journaling and that they are seeking ways to incorporate it with other disciplines.

But I wonder… where are the children?

No, a child’s journaling will not look like that of an adult. But children CAN journal their prayers and Bible study. With words and doodles and drawings, a child can record their prayers or reflect upon what they are reading.

And even though their journal entries may look a bit different from an adult’s, the spiritual discipline of journaling reaps children the same benefits that adults experience.

Faith Journaling for Kids

Two years ago, we released Journaling for the Soul. A handbook for incorporating the spiritual discipline of journaling into everyday life, this book was written for adults.

With a desire to see children experience the same powerful benefits of journaling their faith walk, we are excited to announce the release of Faith Journaling for Kids.

Filled with many of the journaling methods found in Journaling for the Soul, Faith Journaling is written with the younger reader in mind. Age-appropriate language, clear visual examples, and lots of practice pages help draw children of all ages closer to God through the discipline of journaling.

Explanation of Pray the Alphabet Journaling
Practice Page

A powerful spiritual discipline for young and old, faith journaling encourages children to connect with God using their hands, head, and heart. All of which helps them grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Faith Journaling for Kids

Journaling is a spiritual discipline that reaps bountiful rewards for all who use it. Sadly, however, kids are often overlooked when we talk about or teach this valuable discipline. Faith Journaling is an adventure just for them, providing kids with examples and practice exercises in several types of faith journaling including prayer, Scripture, thanks, and more.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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