From One Generation to Another:  Psalm 145

Anytime someone speaks of GENERATIONS, I’m drawn.  Isn’t it funny how we seem to have radar when it comes to certain topics?A couple of weeks ago, for instance, our worship leader read aloud from Psalm 145 as part of our corporate worship time:4 One generation shall commend your works to another,and shall declare your mighty acts.5 On the…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

July 20, 2017
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Psalm 145 - A call to generational living.
Anytime someone speaks of GENERATIONS, I’m drawn.  Isn’t it funny how we seem to have radar when it comes to certain topics?
A couple of weeks ago, for instance, our worship leader read aloud from Psalm 145 as part of our corporate worship time:

One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

The words pulled me in that morning, and they continue to pull…


“One generation… to another”

Our God is the God of many generations.  Scripture makes that clear.  It’s even found in one of the names He uses for Himself:
“I am the God of your father, the God of Abrahamthe God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”  Exodus 3:6
God loves the generations and prefers to work within its framework.
This passage is a mandate to generational interaction.  The generation that is going off is to pour into the generation that is coming up.  Likewise, the rising generation is to follow the example of the older generation.  In this manner things are to continue — until the end of time as we know it.
A perfect design — for the good of all people and for His glory.

“…commend…declare…meditate…speak…declare…pour forth…sing aloud…”

Read through the passage again and notice.  It is packed with vivid verbs calling us to action as we interact with the generations He so loves.
In verse four, we see that we are to offer public praise for the “things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us” (Psalm 73:8).  In completeness and in detail, we are to proclaim His great works.
Verse five beckons us to private meditation.  We are to spend time alone thinking on the gloriousness of His majesty and reflecting on His works.
Just as there is a rhythm to the generational cycle — older to younger, younger to older — we find a cycle in this passage.  Verse four speaks to generational interaction.  Verse five quiets us with a period of personal communication with the Lord.
The cycle continues in verses six and seven where in verse six we are instructed to tell other generations of His awesome deeds, things that no person could do on their own.  And in verse seven, where we are exhorted to share our praise for His abundant goodness and to sing aloud His righteousness — a goodness that can never dry up and a righteousness that is perfect and just.


Musings of a Mimi (as she meditates on this passage)

As I sit with this passage pondering the generational message and all those verbs, the questions arise.  And while it would be the easy thing just to swipe them away, I know that is not in my best interest or the best interest of the generations in my circle of influence.  As difficult as it may be, I need to answer those questions.  God does His best work in my life in the hard place of self-reflection and honesty.
“Do I share the great works of God that I have heard from others with my grandchildren and those of other generations?  If so, do I gloss over them or share them in completeness and detail?”
“Am I spending time alone in meditation on His glorious majesty and supernatural works?  Do I live in this rhythm of experiencing periods of personal time with God then going out to share with the generations what I have come to know?”
“Do I tell of His great power?  Share my praise for His abundant goodness and provision?  Sing of His righteousness?”


Questions raise more questions:

“Am I intentional about making Him a big deal when I’m with my grandchildren?  Do I share only the history and God’s “rules?”  Or am I deliberate about also sharing His unfathomable love?”
As Mimi, I sit in a unique position of influence with my grandchildren.  But it’s so easy for me to lose sight of that as I get caught up in the day to day of life.  I can go for days without giving much thought to these important things.
Sitting here with this passage, I am reminded — of my great responsibility to my grandchildren and how I am to carry it out.  I am reminded of the role God has assigned to me in His loving wisdom.


More questions as I continue to reflect:

“If I’m not intentional about making God a big deal with my grandchildren, what might happen?”
I’ve heard that it only takes three generations for love to be lost.  I tend to think that might be a valid statistic as I call to mind a company in our area that was started by a gentleman several years ago.  He loved the company and poured his heart and life into it.  He also trained his children in the business, and they eventually took over.  Then on to the next generation it went.  The generation who sold it.  Yes, it was the family business, but this generation did not share their grandfather’s love and passion for company.  Three generations.  Grandfather’s love was gone!
“Or what about this example?”
The people served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel. Joshua son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of a hundred and ten… After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel. — Judges 2:7-8, Judges 2:10 (NIV)
A generation lost!  Joshua’s generation!  In the span of a single generation, not three!  And to top it all, this was a generation who had personally witnessed miraculous signs and wonders and unbelievable victories.


The passage doesn’t tell us HOW it happened, only that it did!

As a grandparent, I simply need to know — that it did.  It could.
Oh that it not happen to my grandchildren.  This is the cry of my heart!

Loving Father, I pray that each one of my precious grandchildren come to know You, personally, and that they love You with their entire being.  Help me as their grandma to be intentional in interacting with them (and other generations).  Help me to boldly and without reservation share my love for You with each of them through accounts of Your mighty acts, awesome deeds, greatness, abundant goodness, righteousness, and lavish love for all.  Amen!

Grandparent, Right there is those few verses from Psalm 145 we see it.  God calls us to work within the framework of generations.  He calls us to interact with and impact our grandchildren for their good and His great glory.  We are to do this by preparing ourselves in His presence and then going out to share with great exuberance what we know about Him..  Our assignment is to be about the business of making a big deal of God with our grandchildren.  It’s a tremendous responsibility, but one He assigned to us.

30 Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Challenge

For those who might be looking for an intentional next-step in this GRAND assignment, consider getting the 30-Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Challenge.  Daily prayer prompts are included in the challenge making this an intentional but “doable” commitment to your grandchildren.  Let’s help the generations to see Him and to know Him.


  • […] that each generation will remember His Name and lift up His praise forever and […]

  • KellyRBaker

    Thank you for a post that encourages outward ministry. It’s so important to pour into the next generation. Your challenge sounds great (even though I’m not a grandparent).

  • Robinality

    Although I am not a grandparent (yet), your words spoke to me, “I’ve heard that it only takes three generations for love to be lost.” My prayer is to be more intentional in sharing God’s word. I find it easy to share with my family and sisters-in-Christ, I need to be more intentional when sharing in the community and those individuals God has placed in front of me. Thank you for sharing!

  • Kelly, I have to admit that “outward” is sometimes so difficult for me. It does seem to help me, though, to think in “generational” terms.

    Hadn’t thought about it before, but perhaps next year I will modify the challenge and offer it for parents!

  • Oh how I relate and your words bring up another one of my “magnet” terms –intentional. In the depths of my being, I would love to get to the place where I am living all of my life with intention. I will pray that God also strengthens you in your intentionality. Thank you for stopping by today!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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