The 30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge is set to begin this Saturday, August 10th!
I hope you will consider joining us, as we with unwavering resolve set about to make one of the greatest investments possible into the lives of our grandchildren.
What is the 30-Day Prayer Challenge?
The 30-Day Challenge is a community of grandparents –
- COMMITTING to pray for their grandchildren for 30 consecutive days.
- UNITING in purposeful, intentional, and specific prayer.
- HOLDING one other accountable in their commitment of intentional prayer.
- ENCOURAGING each other in this eternity-impacting investment.
When does the 30 – Day Challenge take place?
The next corporate version of the Challenge begins this Saturday, August 10, 2019, and culminates on Grandparents’ Day, Sunday, September 8, 2019.
How does the Challenge work?
The Challenge is flexible and includes several components. As such, it can be tailored to uniquely fit each participant’s personality and schedule.
Beginning on Saturday, August 10th, daily Scripture-based prayer prompts will be posted to our private Facebook Group. Simply use these prompts as prayer starters for each of the 30 days of the Challenge. You can request to join the private Facebook group by clicking this link: 30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge.
For those who prefer a physical copy of the daily prayer prompts, a Prayer Challenge booklet is available as a free PDF download. In addition to the 30 Scripture-based prayer prompts, the booklet contains:
- An explanation of the Challenge.
- Additional Challenge Opportunities.
- “Before the Challenge Begins” – Preparation suggestions.
- A list of Activities for Engaging with Your Grandchildren during the Challenge.
- A resource list of connection points for receiving Support during and/or after the Challenge is over.
- A list of Further Opportunities for Engagement with your grandchildren.
- … and more!
Click HERE to download the free 30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge booklet.
New Challenge Opportunity for 2019
Since its inception, one of the things we have encouraged grandparents to do is to journal their Prayer Challenge experience.
Now they can do it in the 30-Day Prayer Challenge Journal!
If journaling is something you would like to include in your observance of this year’s Challenge, download your journal and be ready for August 10th!
Your Invitation
When it comes to our grandchildren, prayer is one of the most powerful things we can involve ourselves in. And the more praying grandparents joined together in the task, the better. Won’t you join us this year?
We invite you to take the CHALLENGE.

30-Day Praying with Purpose Prayer Challenge BOOKLET
Michele Morin
Joined the group! Looking forward to the challenge! Thank you for your leadership and inspiration!
Michele, So excited to have you join us this time through!