Observations from a self-confessed people- watcher:
- Students in the classrooms where I am a guest teacher spend the majority of their class time in from of a computer screen.
- During free time, students sit alone with their electronic devices.
- While multiple generations of a family sit together in a restaurant, the grandchildren and often the children (parents) are on their phones or playing video games individually.
- A husband and wife sit in the same room instant messaging each other.
- Many of the people I “observe” are spending much time talking to one another let alone interacting with each other.
- People-watching isn’t as much fun as it used to be!
- God, Himself, exists in relationship (Father/Son/Holy Spirit)
- God created us for relationship.
- It is in relationship that we grow to become more like Jesus.
As we enter the summer months of warm weather, long days, and no school for our children (at least here in the Midwest, maybe it’s a great time for intentionally setting about to change our 21st Century habits. Why not begin with one or more of the following?

How to Build Relationships
- Turn off your TV/Shut down your computer/Put aside your phone
- Leave your house
- Look up
- Greet people
- Sit on your stoop
- Play together
- Share what you have
- Have pot lucks
- Dance in the street
- Help carry something heavy
- Barter for your goods
- Ask a question
- Hire young people for odd jobs
- Turn up the music
- Share your skills
- Buy from local merchants
- Know your neighbors
- Read stories together
- Open your shades
- Ask for help when you need it
- Bake extra and share
- Listen
- Fix it even if you didn’t break it
- Go for a walk
- Start a tradition