How to Develop Those “Joyful Mom” Habits

Last week we looked at 10 Habits of a Joyful Mom. If you missed it, you can read the post HERE.10 Habits of a Joyful MomKeep God #1Do ALL things unto ChristLive with eternity in viewPractice gratitudeChoose to be joyfulRefuse to compareTake care of your marriageTake care of yourselfSay “no” so you can say “yes”Ask…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

January 17, 2019
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Last week we looked at 10 Habits of a Joyful Mom. If you missed it, you can read the post HERE.

10 Habits of a Joyful Mom

  1. Keep God #1
  2. Do ALL things unto Christ
  3. Live with eternity in view
  4. Practice gratitude
  5. Choose to be joyful
  6. Refuse to compare
  7. Take care of your marriage
  8. Take care of yourself
  9. Say “no” so you can say “yes”
  10. Ask for help

That’s all good, but sometimes we need just a bit more – like HOW do I go about developing those habits. So, this week let’s dive a little deeper and share a few ideas for establishing each habit.

Ideas for Establishing the Habits of Joyful Moms

Keep God #1
  • Spend time in God’s Word
  • Pray
  • Meditate on Scripture
  • Ask God to do a “Joy” work in your heart
Do ALL Things unto Christ
  • With intentionality, perform one “mommy” chore today as if unto Christ.
  • Pray for each member of your family as you fold their laundry.
  • Memorize Colossians 3:23 and recite it when your thoughts need to be redirected.
Live with Eternity in View
  • Learn to ask yourself questions about the activities in your life:
  • Does it draw me closer to Christ?
  • Is it helping me build meaningful relationships?
  • Does it share the love of Christ with others?
Practice Gratitude
  • Be on the lookout for gifts from God. Thank Him out loud each time one comes to mind.
  • Keep a Gratitude journal.
  • Share the things you are thankful for on social media.
  • Frame a pretty sheet of paper. Using a dry erase marker, write your “thanks” on it each morning.
Choose to be Joyful
  • Create a “Joy” playlist.
  • Choose a song from your playlist and turn it up loud.
  • Take “Grace” breaks.
  • Memorize “Joy” verses and recite them throughout the day.
  • Decorate your home with “Joy.” (Hang Scriptures, quotes, and words of “Joy” throughout your home.)
Refuse to Compare
  • Limit your use of social media.
  • When you find your thoughts are in “comparison mode,” take a hard STOP. Turn your focus toward your own blessings.
  • Remind yourself that there is no need for comparison because you are already seated with Christ. (Ephesians 2:6)
Take Care of Their Marriage
  • Schedule a date night, regularly.
  • What speaks love to your husband? Think of one thing and do it.
Take Care of Themselves
  • Forgive yourself when you mess up.
  • Set aside 15 minutes to do something you enjoy.
  • Go for coffee with a friend.
  • Take a nap.
Say “No” So They Can Say “Yes”
  • Put down your phone. Be present with your child.
  • Pray about it before you answer. (Will it bring glory to God? Does it advance His Kingdom? Is God inviting you into this work?)
  • Employ the mantra, “If it’s not a definite “Yes,” it’s a “No.”
Ask for Help
  • Approach a friend about being your “go-to” if the school calls you with a sick child.
  • Get real with those in your intimate circle. Let them know when you need help.
  • Take a deep breath (and understand she’s as frightened as you are), then go ask that mature Christian woman you admire at church if she will mentor you in prayer (or any other topic on your heart) one hour a week for the next three months.

It’s your turn. I’d love to hear if you have other ideas to share for developing any of the Habits of Joyful Moms. Please comment below. Let’s build a practical resource for fighting for our JOY!

One Final Thought

If you or someone you know is currently in that season where the JOY has ebbed and it’s time to stand and fight, we have one more resource to help – the I Choose Joy 30-Day Challenge for Moms. The Challenge is simple, doable, and FUN. Engage in one action item per day, each task targeted to one of the 10 Habits of Joyful Moms. Download your FREE PDF – HERE.


  • Angela Johnson

    I loved this. Taking alot of ideas from your post. Also sharing to my Facebook page and Pinterest.

  • Deborah, this is great coaching for mums in all seasons!

  • Thank you for sharing, Angela, and so glad you found it helpful.

  • Thank you, Michele. I know there are a few of these ideas that I’ve been working to incorporate into my daily habits, and my children are all grown and married!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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