Nature-Deficit Disorder: Cures for Kids of All Ages

by Jenny Miller, StopNDD.orgHave you heard of nature-deficit disorder? While you won’t find it on WebMD, nature-deficit disorder is a real problem facing families today. As people grow disconnected from the natural world, they’re missing out on the therapeutic benefits of the great outdoors. While nature deficit disorder affects everyone, it has especially far-reaching consequences…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

December 10, 2020
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by Jenny Miller,

Have you heard of nature-deficit disorder? While you won’t find it on WebMD, nature-deficit disorder is a real problem facing families today. As people grow disconnected from the natural world, they’re missing out on the therapeutic benefits of the great outdoors. While nature deficit disorder affects everyone, it has especially far-reaching consequences for children.

How Does Nature-Deficit Disorder Affect Kids?

Without enough time outdoors, children face numerous health risks to the mind and body.

The ‘indoor generation’ and the health risks of spending more time inside.

Nature deficit disorder: What kids lose by not experiencing the outdoors enough.

Green time: A natural remedy for ADHD symptoms.

Nature-Based Activities for Toddlers and Pre-K

There are plenty of outdoor activities you can engage in with younger children.

Best backyard spaces for babies and toddlers.

25 nature-inspired activities for toddlers.

4 fun backyard games to play with your kids.

Image via Unsplash

Raising Elementary Schoolers Who Love the Outdoors

Even school-aged children can find ways to engage in and explore the outdoors.

15 tips for hiking with kids.

Wildlife conservation project ideas for kids.
11 backyard games for kids.

Tips for storm watching with your children.

How to Get Teens and Pre-Teens Outside

It might take a little extra motivation, but your teen will benefit greatly from time outside with family.

Help your teenager take a break from technology.

4 tips when mountain biking with your child.

10 summer camps that could change your kid’s life.

With so many things vying for kids’ attention inside, it can be tough to raise kids who love the outdoors. Luckily, there are plenty of outdoor activities to inspire a love of nature in your children. Whether it’s going for a hike or just playing in your backyard, take the opportunity to get your family outdoors — it’s good for you!

While I had not heard the term nature-deficit disorder before talking with Jenny, I do know the importance to young and old alike of getting outside.

With that in mind and winter quickly approaching (at least in the midwestern US), let me add these seasonally appropriate ideas:

100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids by Run Wild My Child

10 Fun Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids & Adults by MoneyCrashers

11 Healthy Outdoor Winter Activities for the Entire Family by Goodnet

Now, grab your coat and get outside!


  • Wow, this is eye-opening! I was just telling someone yesterday who much our kids today are tied to devices and staying indoors. When I note how my sisters and I spent time outdoors and in nature, they sarcastically say we didn’t have cell phones and social media and iPads, etc. It’s true and I’m glad we didn’t. There’s nothing like God’s creation and our own imaginations for our overall wellness. Even as an adult, I love to go on hikes and adventures in the great outdoors!

  • Theresa Boedeker

    Being outside is something we can all become deficient in.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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