ONE WORD for 2017

Have you selected a word for 2017? One word that will help to define you? One word that will help to transform your forever? A few years ago the practice of choosing one word for a year hit my radar as people began sharing their words and their thoughts on the process.  I will admit,…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

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Have you selected a word for 2017?

One word that will help to define you?

One word that will help to transform your forever?

A few years ago the practice of choosing one word for a year hit my radar as people began sharing their words and their thoughts on the process.  I will admit, it took me a couple of years to determine that this would indeed be a wise discipline for me to practice as well.

2015 – My word – GRACE
2016 – My word – AWE

I’m not certain of my word for 2017 yet.  However, I’m leaning toward the word BE.


WHAT is it?

ONE WORD is the practice of selecting a single word on which to concentrate every day for an entire year.



To provide focus for  daily living and spiritual growth.  The word might speak to an area of spiritual growth or desired heart transformation.

Bottom line is:  Choose a word for the purpose of better knowing God, our Father, and one that will help lead your closer to Jesus Christ.



Step 1: Purchase a journal. I typically buy an inexpensive composition book or pull a journal I already own off the shelf.  I have perfectionistic tendencies which sometimes paralyze me when it comes to making those first marks on a new page in a new journal.  Using an inexpensive composition book moves me beyond the paralyses.  I’m not quite so upset if I spill something on my book or “mess it up” in some way.

Step 2: Choose your word. Select ONE WORD on which to focus for the entire year. It is a good idea to reflect upon the previous year and where you are currently in your spiritual journey.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  All the while bathe your choice in prayer.

The possibilities for your word choice are endless.  Listen.  Gather words.  (If it helps, I am happy to share the list of words I have compiled over the past three years.  Print it out.  Circle possible word choices.  Narrow the list as you pray.)

When your word has been chosen, write your ONE WORD on the cover of your composition book or journal.

Step 3: For the next year, gather your findings. Pray.  Ask God to show you what He has to teach you about your word as it relates to your life.  Collect everything you can find:  quotes, Bible verses, sermon notes, conversation tidbits, graphics, song lyrics, etc.   Jot it all down in your journal or print it off and glue it in.  (Stay mindful, listening for God’s whisperings on the topic as you read scripture, talk with friends & family, listen to sermons, scroll the internet, etc.)

That is all there is to it.  The process is easy, uncomplicated, manageable, and simple.  However, it is also a process full of meaning, definition, and transformation.

Download my list of WORDS here:  ONE WORD for the Year List of Words

What is your word for 2017?  I’d love to know.  Please share your word with us in the comments below.

There is still time to sign up for the Nourish Your Soul:  30 Day Challenge which is set to begin on January 1, 2017.

Participants in this FREE challenge will receive soul nourishing Scriptures on a daily basis –either through a private Facebook Community or by email – that they will be encouraged to spend some time with each day.

For those wanting to go deeper into the daily Scriptures, a list of suggested activities will also be included.

Click HERE to sign up to receive the FREE Nourish Your Soul 30 Day Challenge delivered directly to your email.

OR if you prefer working in community, click HERE to join our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP.  Beginning January 1, 2017, one Scripture will be posted on the group page each day for thirty days.  Here members of the community will be able to receive support and encouragement as they work through the challenge.

Come.  Join us for thirty days in God’s Word with daily scriptures that are food for the soul and truth for your mind.



  • free608

    Hi Deborah, thanks for sharing such a great list of words. I didn’t have a word for 2016, but I’m excited to have one for 2017. I’m leaning toward the word ‘diligence’. This is an area that I struggle, and I know that many of the things I’d like to accomplish in life could be accomplished if only I would be DILIGENT. I tend to give up way too soon. But I’m hoping to change that in 2017, and I plan to blog about my word soon. :)

  • Horace Williams Jr.

    Hello Deborah. I love the post! I just learned about the “word” for a year last year and wrote a post about it. It was “commit.” I have just started praying for 2017 and I am not too excited about the word so I keep praying to “make sure” that it is my word from God. It is hard to get excited over the word “patience” but I will trust Him. I am going to download your list and continue to pray but if patience is the word, I want to be in His will. Thank you for sharing this post today. I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and blessed holiday season.

  • Deborah

    Thank you for sharing your word! I am so excited about the journey that lies ahead for you!!!! I think it’s absolutely amazing how God gives each of us just the right word each year. I can’t wait to hear how things go for you as you focus on “DILIGENT” over the days, weeks, and months of 2017. Please be sure to keep me posted throughout the year on how it’s going, and I’d love to read your post about your word.

  • Deborah

    Horace, Thank you so much for visiting today and taking the time to comment. I pray the “word” list will be a beneficial resource for you this year and for many years to come. I will also be praying for you and your “word” for 2017. I’d love to know what word you decide on whatever it is. If it is His will that your word be “patience,” I know there is something He has for you. May you continue to grow in relationship with Him day by day. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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