YOU are vital to your grandchild. In your very special role, you can:
- Offer unconditional love and sincere encouragement.
- Provide needed support.
- Share your years of wisdom and wealth of experience.
- Teach godly values.
- Pass on family traditions.
- Help your grandchild gain a sense of identity and family heritage.
- Provide a sense of belonging.
A multitude of benefits – for your grandchild and your family – each one needed.
But… the GREATEST role you play, and the one of most benefit to your grandchild, is that of

The magnitude of this unique role was, in fact, the catalyst for development of the 30 – Day Prayer Challenge. A Challenge designed to equip, encourage, and support you.
What is the 30 – Day Challenge?
A community of grandparents –
- COMMITTING to pray for their grandchildren for 30 consecutive days.
- UNITING in purposeful, intentional, and specific prayer.
- HOLDING one other accountable in their commitment of intentional prayer.
- ENCOURAGING each other in one of the greatest investments they can make into the lives of their grandchildren.
When does the 30 – Day Challenge take place?
The challenge begins on Saturday, August 12, 2017 and culminates on Sunday, September 10, 2017 – Grandparents’ Day.
How does the Challenge work?
There are several components to the Challenge. Tailor it to fit your personality and your schedule. Get as involved as your time permits.
- Sign up and download the FREE #PrayingwithPurpose Challenge booklet.
- Use the provided prayer prompts to pray daily for your grandchild(ren) for 30 days.
What is included in the Challenge booklet?
- An explanation of the Challenge.
- Additional Challenge Opportunities.
- An invitation to join the private Facebook Group for support and encouragement during your 30 day commitment. (You are welcome to join whether or not you download the Challenge booklet.)
- “Before the Challenge Begins” – Preparation suggestions.
- A list of Activities for Engaging with Your Grandchildren during the Challenge.
- A resource list of connection points for receiving Support during and/or after the Challenge is over.
- A list of Further Opportunities for Engagement with your grandchildren.
- 30 daily prayer prompts including a Scripture reference for each.
- A link to:
- the daily prayer prompts in “card” form.
- “notes” for your grandchild.
- How to Pray in Color for your grandchild.
- Several sites and organizations for receiving support and encouragement.
[ctt template=”2″ link=”18z42″ via=”yes” ]Praying for your grandchild is one of the greatest investments you will ever make into their life.[/ctt]
The Challenge begins this Saturday, August 12th.
Click here to download your FREE booklet and join the Challenge!