#PrayingwithPurpose: Grandparents United in Christ

Prayer… …is our spiritual work. Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!  Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!  Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.  -Lamentations 2:19 …is our…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

July 21, 2016
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…is our spiritual work.
Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches!  Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord!  Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street. 
Lamentations 2:19

…is our weapon in battle.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  –Ephesians 6:12

…is NOT optional.
Jesus is clear in His Word.  We are expected to carry out our work and to participate in Spiritual warfare.  His expectation is also clearly conveyed in His teaching.  When instructing on the subject of prayer in Matthew 6, Jesus did not use the word, IF.  Rather He said, “WHEN you pray,” (vv. 5, 6).

…is often engaged in as a solitary activity.
Jesus both modeled (Mark 1:35) and taught private prayer (Matthew 6:6).  However, we must not overlook the fact that He also modeled and taught corporate prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).

Corporate Prayer

Believers joining together in prayer.

In our churches, yes, but also in our homes and in our communities.

Corporate prayer is NOT an option.  We see Jesus’ expectation of corporate prayer when He says, “Pray then like this…” (Matthew 6:9).

What are the earmarks of corporate prayer?

  • Corporate prayer should involve the use of corporate words. The Lord’s Prayer models this for us:  “Our Father, our daily bread, our debts, deliver us” (vv. 9, 11, 12, 13).  When we pray together our language should reflect it.
  • Corporate prayer requires that we focus and listen intently to the person leading prayer. Our hearts, and perhaps even our lips, should repeat, “Yes, God, that person speaks for me.  They are speaking for those I love, for those around me.”  When we pray together our arms are locked, our spirits united.  We speak for and listen to each other, sometimes when we are unable to speak ourselves.
  • Corporate prayer provides a place to share our mutual needs and desires: God’s glory, the advancement of His kingdom, the meeting of our daily needs, forgiveness of our sins, and the protection of our souls from the schemes of the Evil One.  While it is certainly fine to mention our individual needs and struggles during corporate prayer, sharing our mutual needs and desires will cultivate our love for one another and for our heavenly Father.  As we learn to speak and listen TOGETHER, we will become united in Christ.

An Invitation to Grandparents

Praying Grandma, Praying Grandpa, we know that prayer is our spiritual work and our weapon in battle.  We know it is not an option.  It is our call and our responsibility, our resource in impacting our grandchildren for eternity.  It is also a long-term commitment and for some a hard work.

We often struggle and fall short in our own eyes to be the prayer champion we would like to be for our grandchildren.  Many times this is due to the fact that we are praying in isolation exclusively.

Maybe it is time to engage in Corporate Prayer on behalf of your grandchildren.

Do you ever find it difficult to be consistent in your prayers?

Sometimes find yourself struggling for just WHAT to pray?

Desire to share your burdens with another believer?

Long to see a mighty force of grandparents united together in Christ?

The 30 – Day Praying with Purpose Challenge

What is the Challenge?

The Praying with Purpose Challenge is a community of grandparents –

  • COMMITTING to pray for their grandchildren for 30 consecutive days.
  • UNITING in purposeful, intentional, and specific prayer.
  • HOLDING one other accountable in their commitment of intentional prayer.
  • ENCOURAGING each other in one of the greatest investments they can make into the lives of their grandchildren.
When does the 30 – Day Challenge take place?

The challenge begins on Saturday, August 13, 2016 and culminates on Sunday, September 11, 2016 – Grandparents’ Day.

How do I participate?
  1. Download the FREE #prayingwithpurpose Challenge Booklet. Then read through the booklet prior to August 13th.  (There are some optional Challenge resources and activities that you might want to take advantage of before the 13th!)
  1. Join the private 30 – Day Praying with Purpose Challenge for Grandparents Facebook Group. This will be a place to come together with other praying grandparents to make your public commitment to pray for your grandchildren for 30 consecutive days; unite in purposeful, intentional, and specific prayer; experience accountability; and receive encouragement.  It will also be a place to share ideas, ask questions, and gather resources.
  1. SPREAD THE WORD! Share the links above with any and every grandparent you know.  I can’t think of anything much better than an army of grandparents locked arm in arm, spirit to spirit, united in Christ as they help to equip their grandchildren to stand fast in the faith!!

Click HERE to download the FREE #prayingwithpurpose Challenge Booklet.


  • Love this idea! I desire to be a grandma who lifts her offspring to the Lord. I don’t have any physical grandchildren yet, but it’s never too early to pray, is it? Visiting via #intentionalTuesday.

  • Deborah

    You are so right, Kristi! It is NEVER too early to pray. I love your idea of praying for your grandchildren even before they are physically born! Thank you for stopping by today!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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