Seeking God

The truths of the gospel have the power to bring hope in our fear and peace in our distress. They breathe comfort and assurance in a culture turned upside down. They are what we preach to ourselves when we need to get a grip and gain a right perspective. The truths of the gospel provide…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

March 9, 2017
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|Seeking God Scripture Challenge printable. Spend 31 days in Scripture getting to know God better and deepening your relationship with Him.
The truths of the gospel have the power to bring hope in our fear and peace in our distress.
They breathe comfort and assurance in a culture turned upside down.
They are what we preach to ourselves when we need to get a grip and gain a right perspective.
The truths of the gospel provide instruction (Acts 18:25), offer us examples to follow (2 Timothy 1:13), lead toward maturity (Ephesians 4:13-14), and equip us for discerning lies and deceit (1 John 2:26).


Some of the truths of the gospel are mind-blowing!


The Trinity – Three persons, one God, the same in essence, equal in power and glory.
The Incarnation – Christ, the Son of God became man.
The Virgin Birth – Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin.
The Resurrection, Adoption, Grace…


But one of the most mind-blowing truths, for me, is that the God of the Universe, the Creator of all wants to spend time with me.


He doesn’t endure my visits out of obligation.  Nor is he present with me only in “body” while giving His attentions to someone or something else.  He is never distracted.




He L.O.N.G.S to be with me. With fierce determination He pursues, desiring my undivided affections and presence.  And when I come, He makes Himself available – building our relationship, making Himself known.

I lose sight of this!


From time to time, I need to refocus — on the truly important –spending time in His presence, receiving His love, and deepening my relationship with Him.


Now, is one of those times.


To help me seek Him and regain focus, I will be spending thirty-one days alone with God in Scripture.  One Scripture each day for thirty-one days as I sit with Him.  I don’t have a plan beyond that.  Some days I may simply read the passage, reread it, and read it again.  Other days I may write it out or pray it back to Him.  And I’m sure there will be days that I Verse Map the Scripture or journal it.  I don’t want to have such a rigid plan that the time becomes more about the plan than the time together.  I will take it day by day trusting the Holy Spirit to lead me in what will be most beneficial in deepening our relationship.


If you would like to join me on this journey (now or when you need a little refocusing), here are the Scriptures I will be using.  You can also download the Scriptures in PDF format HERE.


I am praying for you.


May you say, “Yes,” to His fiercely determined pursuit of YOU.  And may you enjoy His presence and experience His love in a way you never have before as you spend the next thirty-one days seeking to know Him better and to build a deeper relationship with Him.


But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”

–2 Peter 3:18



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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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