The Truth about Soul Care

In the few years since Soul Nourishment: Satisfying Our Deep Longing for God was published, I have noticed a rather significant increase in the number of “soul care” books, blog posts, and other resources that are now available.This is wonderful news since the health of our soul has for so long been neglected. However, as…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

January 7, 2021
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In the few years since Soul Nourishment: Satisfying Our Deep Longing for God was published, I have noticed a rather significant increase in the number of “soul care” books, blog posts, and other resources that are now available.

This is wonderful news since the health of our soul has for so long been neglected. However, as with anything else, before we get sucked in, it is imperative that we look closely at each new publication to discern its purpose.


If we are not careful in this world-turned-upside down, biblical truth can easily be distorted or even lost.

For example, let’s consider the wealth of material that has been written about self-care. At first glance, most of it sounds wonderful. Doesn’t it? As well, some degree of truth can generally be found in each published piece. Sadly, however, when examined in light of Scripture, much of this content can be found to have a misplaced focus.

Think for a moment about some of the self-care pieces you have seen. Did the articles promote betterment of self for self’s sake or for the purpose of better serving and more deeply relating to God? Did the author point readers to themselves or to the wonder and glory of God?

If we are not pointed toward Christ, no matter how beautifully the content is written, the mark has been missed! Share on X


It is the same with any other topic – including that of soul care. Purpose is everything, and it is crucial that we have a right understanding of it.

One way to do this is to get in the habit of previewing each new resource. Skim the pages and ask yourself:

1. “What does this resource promote?” Soul care simply for soul’s sake, or soul care as a means for spending time with God and better deepening a relationship with Him?

2. “What is the focus of this resource?” Self or God?

3. “Is the author pointing me to the wonder and glory of God?”


Did you know that the word “soul” appears in the Bible nearly 300 times, and that the book of Psalms accounts for roughly one third of those appearances?

Look at just a few of the “soul” references found in the book of Psalms (emphasis added):

  • Psalm 42:1 – As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.
  • Psalm 63:1 – O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
  • Psalm 143:6 – I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. 
  • Psalm 33:20 – Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
  • Psalm 63:8 – My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
  • Psalm 62:1 – For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.

From these few verses, we learn something very important about the soul, and the clue comes from the verbs (“pants, “thirsts,” “waits,” “clings”).

The soul craves God.

God-obsessed, the soul seeks Him with its entirety.

Our heart may be consumed with idols, our mind occupied with worthless pursuits, and our strength enslaved to unhealthy habits, but our soul will not find rest until it rests in God.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.

Psalm 73:25


The soul is desperately longing for God.

God is always there waiting, wooing, wanting more of us.

Therefore, soul care is the means for making space, ushering us into God’s presence, and helping us deepen our relationship to Him. It points to His wonder and glory. And with God as our focus, soul care fills us with His presence so that the brilliance of His love shines through us.

Soul Nourishment

Soul Nourishment: Satisfying Our Deep Longing for God is a gentle reminder of importance of soul care. It is also a handbook for today’s busy woman – filled with a multitude of easy, ready-to-use resources to bring refreshment on the journey.

Available at Warner Press and wherever Christian books are sold.


  • I love your explanation- “Therefore, soul care is the means for making space, ushering us into God’s presence, and helping us deepen our relationship to Him. It points to His wonder and glory. And with God as our focus, soul care fills us with His presence so that the brilliance of His love shines through us.” Loved the verses about our soul and how much our souls crave God! I hadn’t noticed that before!

  • ~ linda

    This is so right-on! (if I may use my 1960s phrase)! We can get so easily side-swept by books, words that are just a bit off the mark and we miss it. Then another comes along a little more off until we don’t know where we are. I love the discerning questions you ask for those need to apply to everything we are and do. Thank you so much. (I spent a large hunk of my adult life following new age garbage until I met Christ so I understand the way we can be! I am so grateful to our God Who saved me from my sin and holds me near.). Thanks again.

  • Such wisdom here, Deborah! I too love to point others to soul wellness as the root of our own wellness. Thanks for these reminders on the differences between nourishing ourselves vs. our souls. Happy to stop over from Crystal’s!

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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