In all the years I taught school, I only spent one year teaching fourth grade. And even though that year represented but a small portion of my teaching career, there are things I will never forget. Among my memories are the collecting of words, reciting of Shakespeare, and the presenting of how-to speeches. And who could forget the hilarious birthday magic act?
There is also a memory that isn’t so precious. It was February, and we were taking some time at the end of the day to enjoy Valentine’s. As students exchanged cards and nibbled on treats, I went around to each and gave them my little gift – a pencil. Now more than half-way through the school year, many were borrowing pencils daily because theirs had been lost. I thought this a fitting gift for nearly thirty students.
Apparently, they did not share my enthusiasm. Not a single thank you was uttered. Grumbling filled the room. My students were ungrateful, and I was a bit miffed.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5
True Thankfulness
In the Psalms, the call to give thanks to the Lord is seen repeatedly, and it is important for us to understand that this call is for more than the voicing of a polite thank you. The thanks we are called to is an outpouring of praise to God for who He is and what He has done.
There are several elements involved in true worship, and an important one is thankfulness. Because we have received the undeserved gift of God’s grace, believers in Christ ought to be the most grateful people of all. Our thanks should be a continual outpouring of sincere expressions of our awareness of His worth.
Cultivating an Attitude of Thankfulness
But we are forgetful and prone to distraction, and if we are honest with ourselves, often respond to God in much the same way as my fourth graders that February afternoon.
How thankful is your heart?
May we understand that true worship cannot exist apart from thankfulness to God. Let us confess our ungrateful hearts, and search for ways to cultivate an attitude and heart of thankfulness from this day forward.
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.
Hebrews 13:15

Just for Praise & Worship: Resources for Responding to God with Our Entire Being
This 48-page downloadable resource includes 10 Scripture-based exercises for growing in the wonder of God and learning to worship Him in awe. Perfect for individual use or small groups.
$5 – Available through Gumroad.